Hosting a Mermaid Themed Baby Shower Guide
Congratulations, Mommy! You are not just pregnant but it’s almost time for your little one to say hello to the world! I know by this point in your pregnancy, you are elated and experiencing a bundle of different emotions all at once. If you are anything like me, you are pretty excited about the birth of your baby but as time gets closer you get a little anxious about delivery. It’s okay, it’s normal and you will get through this. If you need some daily words of encouragement, you should check out my post on pregnancy affirmations, I have listed 30 pregnancy affirmations that I also give to you for free! They have definitely been a lot of help to me, so I know they will help you.
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But back to the happy and festival side of your pregnancy. YOUR BABY SHOWER! This is the time for you, and all your family and friend’s to come together and celebrate the delivery or the expected birth of your newborn baby! The best part of all, THERE WILL BE GIFTS FOR YOUR LITTLE ONE!!! If you haven’t started your baby registry to help out your guests with what gifts they should be bringing to your baby shower or sending you, check out my blog post as to why you should start your baby registry with Amazon.
Now it’s clear to me that you are not the average mommy to be, that’s about to give birth to the average baby. OH NO! You know that this pregnancy is magical and so is your little mermaid! You know that she is nothing close to normal, she is a freaking majestic mermaid ready to change the lives of all whom she comes in contact with! With that being said, this mermaid themed baby shower must be magical and the best mermaid themed baby shower ever!
What is a Baby Shower?
- A baby shower is a beautiful party that is full of gift-giving and is a celebration either for the delivery of your newborn baby or the expected birth of your baby.
Related: How to Plan a Baby Shower on a Budget: Cheap Ideas for Boys and Girls
How to get started with planning a mermaid-themed baby shower?
Alright, Mommies! It’s time to bring out their notepads and take notes. If you want a successful amazing mermaid-themed baby shower, your planning has to be perfect. Don’t worry the list below will help you, I promise! 🙂
Pick Date, Time, and Location
This is crucial and should be your number one step because you want to have a clear timeline in your mind as far as when this party will be taking place and the location so you can secure the location now. The date can make or break, the whole event. Due to popular seasonal demands, the date you choose can be difficult in securing due to a lack of availability. For example, if you are expecting to have your baby shower in the summertime, you will be battling the most active seasonal time for parties. With this in mind, you might want to plan ahead.
**Related: 25 Unique and Creative Spring Baby Shower Themes and Ideas**
Depending on whether or not you are choosing a location like a hall or a park for your baby shower, it’s imperative that you book the location as soon as possible since others are also making reservations for their own celebrations. It’s best to try and book the location at least 2 months in advance. The earlier you can reserve your location, the less you will have to worry about losing your dream location for your magical baby shower. If all fails, try having your baby shower at home or at your family member’s big house with a huge backyard (You can save a ton this way).
***Have You taken a birth course yet? Here’s an online course that is taught by a Labor and Delivery Nurse and is jammed packed with everything you need to know about giving birth, post-delivery, and even newborn care! The greatest part of it all is you can complete the whole course In the comfort of your home! Not to even mention there’s a special section just for partner support!
Create your Guestlist
This can be subjective, since depending on your location, you might need to have a good guess on how many people you are expecting to be at your baby shower. If you can estimate this number without having to write down the names of family members, then this can be second on your list, if not you might want to make this a priority.
Need help creating your guest list? Try discussing this with your partner, and writing the names down as they come. Ensure you both are on the same page (this can be a touchy situation if you or your partner don’t want a certain person present that the other one does). Try to have an open mind when creating this list, at the end of the day, I believe that as the mommy-to-be, you should have more authority over the list since your peace of mind will be challenged depending on who is present.
Create your Gift List
Create your gift list or more commonly known as a baby registry. Baby registries are a list of wanted gifts from the mommy to be for the preparations for the baby’s arrival that are distributed out among family and friends to ensure the family that is expecting the new baby receives wanted and useful items for the baby. Having a baby registry can also prevent unwanted duplicates of gifts. I recommend creating a baby registry with Amazon. I have also provided 10 amazing reasons why you should have a baby registry with Amazon.
Pick Baby Shower Theme
- You can mark this done on your list since you already know that this amazing baby shower you are planning for is going to be magical and full of Mermaid Themed Items! But if you are still pondering on a great theme, check out our amazing girl baby shower theme ideas!
Create Invitations
It’s time to start creating those beautiful magical mermaid baby shower invitations. If you don’t know how to create an invitation on your own, or would rather purchase invitations instead check out the following for ways to get amazing baby shower invitations:
- Need Invitations Now?! Get a head start and purchase these lovely customizable mermaid baby shower invitations (for more info see the picture below).
- Need more design options for your mermaid invitations? Try these sites out:
Mermaid Decorations (Table decor, Interior and Exterior)
Decorations are key! How else will your guest really get into the mood for your mermaid theme party? I know planning out a baby shower can be stressful, so I have provided a few options far as decorations are concerned that you can take advantage of! 🙂
Mermaid Party Decorations Set
Under The Sea Mermaid Party Decorations Set with Fish Net
Beautiful 2PCs 71’x 43 Mermaid Table Cover

Gift Opening Corner
If you choose to open your gifts or not, you should surely have a spot designed for displaying your gifts at your baby shower. You can simply have a table set up for gifts with a chair for you to sit in a while opening up gifts or you can simply set up a spot on the floor surrounded by beautiful decorations and a chair for you.
Please keep in mind, you want to ensure that you have a comfortable place for yourself. You don’t want to be sitting on the floor opening up gifts and end up with backaches afterward. So please be cautious and choose wisely. But, above all, be creative and have fun.

Food and Drinks
Knowing who will be in attendance can help determine what type of food and drinks should be offered at your amazing baby shower! I would recommend having a broad menu (i.e. having a special dietarian option for those guests who can’t indulge in all types of foods and drinks). I don’t recommend you break the bank to make this happen. From previous experiences of attending baby showers, I have seen where there are sweets (baby shower cookies) and snacks tables, and an area for the main course. Here are some lovely pictures from Pinterest, that might help make the visual of your ideal baby shower:

Related: 15+ Super Cute Baby Shower Cookies Ideas [You Must See]
Baby Shower Games
To keep your guest entertained, ensure you have Baby shower games! Baby shower games can be fun for all. They can be fun to watch, and also help your event be unforgettable! Having your list of games prepared to play throughout your baby shower can keep you at ease with keeping your guest’s enjoyment levels through the roof. It is good not only to have games where the guests get physical but also those that don’t require too much effort, to ensure you have full participation. Have prizes for your guests that participate and also win your baby shower games, this can also help get people to play!

Related: 22 Fun Modern Baby Shower Games Ideas to Keep Your Guests Entertained (2022)
Thank You Gifts
Thank your guests for attending your amazing baby shower with thank you gifts. I recommend that you have gender-based gifts since more and more men are starting to attend baby showers. So to avoid the awkwardness of only having pink manicure nail polish to give out to your guest, try to have gender-neutral gifts and or different gender types of gifts.

4 Quick Tips for Success in Hosting a Mermaid Themed Baby Shower
1) Plan ahead. Give yourself adequate enough time to plan and host your event.
2) Ask for help. Ask a friend, family member, and or co-worker to help you with your baby shower.
3) Do your research and find the best resources and options available (you can even get most of your materials from Dollar Tree: Everything is always $1.25 – Shop Now).
4) Try not to stress yourself out. Planning should be fun and creative.
Common Questions/FAQ About Baby Showers
Below you will find the most common and frequently asked questions about baby showers:
– When to start planning a baby shower?
Since most baby showers take place during the sixth or seventh month of pregnancy, you should give yourself at least a month prior to planning. I would recommend planning 6 to 8 weeks prior to your ideal date for your baby shower party, So pretty much start planning your baby shower party during the second trimester. In this way, you can have an easier chance of reserving your location and getting the time you want for your event.
– What to do at a Baby Shower?
A baby shower is a celebration. So, just like a normal party or birthday party, you simply plan to have fun and celebrate the birth of your baby. To ensure your guests are having fun, you should think about having baby shower games available for them to play and of course prizes for their participation. Don’t forget to provide food and drinks, this is also essential to hosting any party.
– How much is the average baby shower?
The average baby shower can range from $100 to $1000, which is depended on food, guest, and location. It’s best to create a budget first before choosing the location of your baby shower. Usually, the location cost the most due to the number of guests and the venue pricing. If you are trying to have a baby shower on a tight budget, check out Dollar Tree for some of your baby shower supplies!
– Does everyone have a baby shower?
Having a baby shower is optional. Some people don’t have baby showers, and others do. Some might have one for their first child and not for the next one. It’s really up to you and in some cases your family whether you will have a baby shower.
– Who should pay for a baby shower?
It has been found that most hostesses pay for the baby shower and its associated costs. But, in some cases, the cost can be divided up amongst close family members, friends, and a co-host.
– Do the fathers go to the baby shower?
In recent times, fathers are present more and more now at baby showers than in previous times. It is still optional. The father doesn’t necessarily have to be present. But, if you would like for the father to be present, I suggest discussing that with them.
– What food do you serve at a baby shower?
I recommend having a variety of food options present at your baby shower, just to accommodate your guest. Don’t go too overboard on your menu selection, though. You don’t need to be breaking the bank to have an awesome food selection. Ask the amazing cook in the family to cook for your baby shower to lower the cost of food.
The Last Thing You Need to Know about Planning for a Mermaid Themed Baby Shower
- Be true to your wants and needs.
- Give yourself enough time to plan for this amazing baby shower!
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help!
As always, thanks for taking the time out to read my blog post! Please share this post on Pinterest and on Facebook. Share your experiences and advice on baby showers below in the comments! <3
If you are pregnant, check out these blog posts to help you through your pregnancy:
- 30 Pregnancy Affirmations To Help You Through Your Pregnancy
- The Best Products to Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy
- 10 Reasons Why Every Mom to Be Needs An Amazon Baby Registry
- The Best Guide To Adapting Your Pets To Your Newborn (Pets and Infants)
- A Cheat Sheet to Having a Mermaid Themed Baby Shower
- The Beginner’s Guide to Surviving as a New Mom
- Must-Have Products On Your Baby Registry
Looking into becoming a SAHM, check out these blog posts below:
- The Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Stay At Home Mom
- Ways To Make Money As a Stay at Home Mom
- 10 Best Stay At Home Mom Tips to Staying Active

Tuesday 21st of May 2019
Lovely. A baby shower is more than just a party it is meant to be a celebration.
Wednesday 15th of May 2019
I've never seen a mermaid themed baby shower before! Super cute!
Tuesday 14th of May 2019
This is fantastic. We are obsessed with mermaids!!! So fun and such great ideas
Tuesday 14th of May 2019
Great theme idea! I have seen many nautical themed baby showers but never a mermaid theme.
Modern Moms Club
Tuesday 14th of May 2019
Adorable! I love themed birthday parties!