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201+ French Girl Names to Choose For Your Baby

french baby girl names

If you are looking for french girl names, then this list is perfect for you. All of these names have french origins and they will be the envy of all your friends. They are beautiful, unique, and feminine- just what any little girl would want!

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What are French girl names, and why do they make great baby names?

French baby girl names, and other french origin baby names, are great because they have a sound that is so different from traditional or popular American baby girl names. For example, the french word ‘Jolie means “pretty”, so if you want to give your daughter an exotic-sounding fantastic feminine name then this will be perfect!

How to choose a French name for your baby?

If you are still struggling to pick a name, then here’s some advice for choosing the perfect french girl name. First, you need to know that French names tend not to be very versatile with spellings and always end in ‘e’.

Also, if your last name starts with an “S” or “Z”, then it will make sense to choose a french girl name that starts with ‘S’ or ‘Z’. Furthermore, it is very common for the French to shorten their names.

This means that your baby’s full-length name might be too long and hard to pronounce so if you want a shorter version then this could work out perfectly!

Popular French Girl Names:

Amelie: this is a french girl name that means “loved and wanted” and it has an elegant sound.

Angelique: the origin of this french baby girl’s name is unknown, but if you want something different then this could be perfect for your daughter! A compound of ‘angel’ and ‘ique’, this is a perfect name for your daughter.

Camille: “beloved and desired” sounds like the perfect french baby girl’s name, doesn’t it? This means that you will be giving her an even more special meaning to the word!

Genevieve: if you love old-fashioned names then this one might just be perfect for you. It has a beautiful sound and means “white wave”, which makes it quite unique!

Noemie: this french girl’s name is the feminine version of Noah, so if you like biblical names then this could work out perfectly! This name sounds very elegant and would make any baby stand out from the crowd.

Serenity: this french baby girl’s name is a great choice if you are looking for something that has an air of mystery to it. It also means “calm and peaceful”, which makes your daughter seem tranquil from the start!

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french girl names

French Girl Names with Meanings from A to Z:

Below you will find 201+ French Girl names with meanings listed from A to Z:

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Starting with A

Abrielle– meaning God Is My Strength.

Aceline– meaning Noble At Birth.

Adelie– meaning Noble.

Alaina– meaning little rock.

Allure– meaning Tempt, Entice.

Amelie– meaning hardworking.

Ami– meaning second, Asia; Beautiful.

Angelie– meaning messenger of God.

Angeline– meaning messenger.

Annette– meaning Gracious, merciful.

Antoinette– Diminutive Feminine Form of Antoine.

Arianne– meaning Very Holy.

Arline– meaning Eagle.

Armelle– meaning Princess.

Aure– meaning soft air, breeze.

Aurelie– meaning Golden.

Aurorette– meaning from Aurora.

Austine– meaning Great.

Aveline– meaning beautiful Bird.

Starting with B

Babette– meaning My God Is My Oath.

Beatrice– meaning bringer of joy.

Bebe– meaning baby.

Belle– meaning beauty.

Briellemeaning God Is My Strength.

Brigette– meaning exalted, lofty.

Burgundy– meaning dark red.

Starting with C

Cachet– meaning Respected, admired.

Camille– meaning perfect.

Cayenne– meaning hot spice.

Celine– meaning heaven.

Chanel– meaning canal.

Charisse– meaning grace, beauty, kindness.

Charlette– meaning free .

Charlotte– meaning free.

Cheri– meaning dear.

Cheryl– meaning beloved.

Claire– meaning Illustrious, enlightened.

Claudette– meaning Lame.

Colette– meaning victory of the people.

Coralie– meaning little Maiden.

Corina– meaning Maiden.

Currier– meaning leather dresser.

Starting with D

Darcy– meaning Dark One.

Delaine– meaning from Laine.

Demi– meaning half, small.

Denise– meaning Devotee of Dionysos.

Desiree– meaning desired.

Diane– meaning divine.

Dionne– meaning divine.

Dior– meaning present.

Dixie– meaning from the south in the U.S.

Dominique– meaning of God.

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french girl names

Starting with E

Eleanor– unknown meaning.

Elise– meaning pledged to God.

Eloise– meaning famous warrior.

Elle– meaning girl, female.

Emilie– meaning to strive or excel or rival.

Enora– meaning honor.

Esme– meaning loved.

Starting with F

Fabienne– meaning grower

Fay– meaning Fairy or Elf.

Faye– meaning fairy or elf.

Fifi– diminutive form of Josephine.

Fleur– meaning flower.

Florine– meaning flourishing, prosperous.

Francine– meaning free.

Starting with G

Gabi– diminutive form of Gabriela.

Gabrielle– Meaning God is My Strength.

Geneva– meaning Juniper Berry.

Georgette– feminine form of George.

Germaine– meaning brother.

Gigi– meaning nickname

Giselle– meaning pledge.

Gwenaelle– meaning blessed and generous.

Starting with H

Harlequin– meaning Mute Pantomime Clown.

Helene– meaning form of Helen.

Hilaire– meaning cheerful.

Hilde– meaning battle.

Honore– meaning esteemed, distinguished.

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Starting with I

Isabelle– meaning God Is My Oath.

Isabelline– meaning yellow- grey color.

Ivette– meaning yew.

Starting with J

Jacqueline– meaning supplanter.

Jeanine– meaning God Is Gracious.

Jeannemeaning God Is Gracious.

Jeanniemeaning God Is Gracious.

Jermaine– meaning From Germany.

Jocelin– meaning little goth.

Joelle– meaning God will be willing.

Josephine– meaning God Will Increase.

Josettemeaning God Will Increase.

Jovianne– meaning Happy.

Jules– meaning Youthful, Downy.

Julianne– feminine form of Julian.

Juliemeaning Youthful, Downy.

Juliettemeaning Young, Downy.

Starting with K

Unfortunately, there are no French girl names starting with K.

Starting with L

Lace– meaning fine open-woven fabric.

Lafayette– meaning from the land of the beech tree.

Laure– meaning Laurel.

Leal– meaning faithful.

Lenore– meaning Light.

Leonie– meaning Lioness.

Lisette– meaning God is My Oath.

Lizettemeaning God is My Oath.

Loie– meaning understanding.

Lorraine– meaning from Lorraine, France.

Lucie– meaning light.

Lydie– Meaning from Lydia in Greece.

Lynette– meaning pretty one.

french girl names

Starting with M

Madeleine– meaning woman of Magdala.

Maeliemeaning chief, princes.

Maeva– meaning welcome.

Magnolia– meaning flower name.

Maika– meaning who is like God?

Maine– meaning Mainland.

Mandolin– Musical Instrument.

Manon– meaning of the sea or bitter.

Marceline– meaning young warrior.

Mardi– meaning Tuesday.

Margo– meaning pearl.

Margot– meaning pearl.

Mariemeaning of the sea or bitter.

Mariettemeaning of the sea or bitter.

Marlette– blend of Maria and Magdalene.

Marquette– meaning land owner.

Matilde– meaning battle strength.

Melodie– meaning song, melody.

Micheline– meaning who is like God?

Michellemeaning who is like God?

Mimi– Diminutive from of any name beginning with M.

Minettemeaning of the sea or bitter.

Mirabelle– meaning wondrous.

Mirette– meaning Admirable.

Mirielle– meaning sea bright.

Monet– meaning to be heard.

Monique– meaning advisor.

Mystral– meaning cold, cry, northerly wind.

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Starting with N

Nadine– meaning hope.

Naeva– meaning Ingenue.

Nage– meaning swimming.

Nanette– meaning grace.

Narcisse– meaning Narcissus or Daffodil.

Natalie– meaning Born on Christmas Day.

Nicole– meaning victory of the people.

Nicolette– meaning Victory of the people.

Ninon– meaning gracious, merciful.

Noelmeaning born on Christmas day.

Noelle meaning born on Christmas day.

Normandy– meaning Land of the Northern Folk.

Starting with O

Oceane– meaning sea.

Odette– meaning wealth.

Odile– meaning rich, wealthy.

Opaque– meaning not transparent.

Ophelie– meaning helper.

Oriel– meaning gold.

Orleans– meaning Golden.

Ouida– meaning famous warrior.

Starting with P

Patrice– meaning noble.

Paulette– meaning small.

Pauline– meaning small.

Pendant– meaning hanging.

Pleasance– meaning agreeable.

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Starting with Q

Quincy– meaning Person from Quincy, France.

french girl names

Starting with R

Rachelle– meaning Ewe.

Racquel– meaning Ewe.

Rainemeaning queen.

Remimeaning Oarsman or Remedy.

Remy– meaning Oarsman or Remedy.

Renee– meaning reborn.

Rochelle– meaning little rock.

Romaine– meaning from Rome.

Rosalie– meaning beautiful rose.

Rosemarie– combination of the names Rose and Marie.

Starting with S

Sabine– meaning sabine woman.

Sequin– meaning shiny disc or coin.

Shanton– meaning we sing.

Sidney– meaning contraction of the St. Denys.

Simone– meaning to be heard.

Solange– meaning Solemn, religious.

Sophie– meaning wisdom.

Stephanie– meaning Crown.

Susane– meaning Lily.

Suzannemeaning Lily.

Suzette– Diminutive form of Susan.

Sydney– meaning Contraction of the St. Denys.

Starting with T

Therese– meaning Harvester.

Tierre– meaning Earth/Rock.

Triage– meaning process of sorting injured people.

Turquoise– meaning turkish/light blue-green color.

Starting with U

Urbain– meaning from the city.

Starting with V

Valerie– meaning strength.

Vermont– meaning green mountain.

Veronique– meaning bringing victory.

Villette– meaning small village.

Vivien– meaning alive.

Vivienne– meaning alive.

Starting with W

Wisconsin– meaning Gathering of waters.

Starting with X

Xaviere– meaning the new house.

Starting with Y

Yvette– meaning yew.

Yvonne– meaning Yew.

Starting with Z

Zelie– meaning Noble, exalted.

Zephyrine– meaning west wind.

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Grab our FREE Printable Baby Names Tracker PDF to keep up with all of your wonderful baby name choices and their meanings, plus document the name you and your significant other chose and why (as a keepsake). 

Last Thing You Need To Know About French Girl Names for Your Baby Girl

Now that you have a list of your favorite French Girl Names for your baby girl, you can sit around and discuss baby girl names with you and your significant other. I know you’ll pick a great french girl name for your daughter! 🙂

As always Sharing is Caring! Don’t forget to share this blog post with your friends, family, and on social media (Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc.). What are your favorite French Girl Names? Comment below to let us know what they are and we will add them to our list! We hope that these ideas helped 🙂 Thank you for reading!

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