Benefits of Walking for Stay-At-Home Moms Plus A Free Walking Workout
Moms are on the move all the time! I like to joke and say our little ones are the best fitness trainers because I’m chasing mine all day. At least she keeps me moving, most days I don’t like working out.
Kids can zap our energy!
Do you wish you had the motivation to workout though? Does the idea of exercise sound exhausting? The last thing you probably want to do is hit the treadmill if you are short on sleep or time.
What if I told you you can get in a great workout simply by doing something you do every day? Walking! It’s the stay at home mom’s best friend when it comes to exercise!
In today’s post, I will share with you the benefits of walking for stay at home moms and throw in some workout ideas to make it easy for you. After you read all of the great things walking can do for you, you’re going to want to get moving!
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Benefits of Walking
Surprisingly you don’t have to go to a mega calorie heart-pounding all-burpee boot camp to get in or stay in shape.
You can reap the benefits of getting in shape with a simple walk. Did you know you can get in a great workout with just walking?
If you walk at a moderate pace for 30 minutes you can burn between 100-125 calories, at a fast pace you can burn between 185-245 calories. If you mix up these speeds over the course of 30 minutes you’ll burn even more. In addition to the extra shred, you will also build up muscle and get toned faster than with regular walking. Add in pushing a kid in a stroller and you have yourself a full-body workout!
There are so many more benefits for walking though! It’s easy on your pocket-book, good for your mood and a great way to spend time with your child and others.
Let’s take a look at the benefits of walking for stay at home moms!
Fitness and Health
- Burns calories which in turn helps with postpartum weight gain or maintains your weight
- Keeps your bones strong and tones your muscles
- Walking is cardio which helps strengthen your heart and lungs by increasing your heart rate
- Boosts your energy level
- Easy on your joints and lowers the risk of injury
- Decreases risk for certain health issues like diabetes and heart disease
- Promotes better sleep
Affordable Workout
- No expensive equipment needed
- No need to pay for a gym membership
- A decent pair of supportive shoes and the outdoors is all that is needed
- Can easily find free workout walking videos online for indoor walking
Good For Your Mood
- Exercise increases endorphins which gives you positive feelings
- Walking outside in fresh air is lightens your mood
- Reduces stress levels
- Staves off postpartum depression
Can Workout With Your Child And Others
- Easy to fit into your routine
- Helps you get out of the house with your little one
- If walking with a stroller can help baby take a nap
- Sing songs or talk about nature with your child while you walk
- Get social with other moms and kids with walking playdates
Don’t all of these benefits inspire you to get out there and get walking? Are you looking for a way to get started? I’ve included a free walking workout idea for every fitness level you can easily do with or without a stroller to help you get out there. Don’t miss out on these benefits of walking for stay at home moms! Check it out a starter guide to walking below!
Free Walking Workout Ideas
Simple Walking Workout
These tips are perfect for moms who are just starting out or not sure how to fit walking into your day. With or without your stroller time walking into your routine by doing the following:
- Go for a 20-30 minute walk before or after you play outdoors or go to the park
- Find a new trail to explore to make your walk interesting
- Schedule your walk for snack time and let your little one eat while you walk
- Go for a walk before nap time. The fresh air will make your kiddo sleepy which will make putting him or her down easier, or they might fall asleep in the stroller!
- Pick a hilly course for an extra challenge
- If you’re new to exercise start with 10 minutes then add a minute or two each week until you make your way up to 30 minutes
Interval Walking
Are you looking for something to do that gets your heart pumping but gentle on your body? Perhaps you’re a postpartum mama that is ready to get moving and has a baby in tow but your body is not quite ready to pound the pavement. Here’s a little something that is fun and easy…interval walking. This type of exercise is the perfect workout for moms who want to feel like we’re pushing ourselves without feeling like we’re pushing ourselves.
There are days I want to get in a good workout but I’m feeling tired or need to recover after a strenuous day. In my postpartum days, I wasn’t always up for pushing a stroller at a running pace (and couldn’t when my baby was under 6 months) but wanted to tone up. The following interval walking routines are my favorite and always come to the rescue! The first walk is intended to be done without a stroller. The other walk includes a stroller. Both could be done either way.
Interval Walk Without A Stroller
- 5-minute warm-up steady walk–pace yourself to warm up
- 2-minute fast walk–slightly faster pace to get the heart rate up
- 5-minute faster walk–keep going to get your walking speed up
- 2-minute super-fast walking–go as fast as you can but don’t run
- 5-minute fast walk–slow it back down to a fast pace
- 2-minute faster-walk–walk at the next faster level
- 2-minute super-fast walk–go at the highest pace
- 5 minute cool down–gradually slow down to a stop.
Interval Walk With a Stroller:
- Walk easy for 5-10 minutes
- Walk quickly for 2 minutes, then walk easier for 1 minute. Repeat up to 5 times.
- Walk easy for another 5 minutes to cool down

Last Thing You Need To Know About Walking as a SAHM
So there you have it, two interval walks to try out. With all of the benefits of walking for stay at home moms, you will be able to keep up with all of your kids without getting tired! You will quickly get great results if you make walking your main mode of exercise. Plus walking is simple, easy to work into your day and is a great way to spend with your little! So get yourself moving! You don’t want to miss out on these benefits of walking for stay at home moms!
As always, sharing is caring! Share this amazing post with your family and mommy friends! Don’t forget to share on social media (Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, etc) as well! Share your mommy fitness journey below in the comments!
If you are pregnant, check out these blog posts to help you through your pregnancy:
- 30 Pregnancy Affirmations To Help You Through Your Pregnancy
- The Best Products to Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy
- 10 Reasons Why Every Mom to Be Needs An Amazon Baby Registry
- The Best Guide To Adapting Your Pets To Your Newborn (Pets and Infants)
- A Cheat Sheet to Having a Mermaid Themed Baby Shower
- The Beginner’s Guide to Surviving as a New Mom
Looking into becoming a SAHM, check out these blog posts below:
- The Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Stay At Home Mom
- Ways To Make Money As a Stay at Home Mom
- 10 Best Stay At Home Mom Tips to Staying Active
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