Are you a new mom, looking for ways to survive motherhood as a first time mom? Found yourself googling, “How to survive as a new mother?” If so, you’re in luck! In this blog post, we’re going to go over the ins and out of motherhood, and how to survive as a new mom with 7+ first time mom tips and tricks! Keep reading for more!
The Beginners Guide to Surviving as a New Mom aka First Time Mom
Welcome to Motherhood, Mommy! You just accomplished a milestone in your life that you probably were nervous about; I’m talking about birth! I know as a new mom, I was concerned about my first birth! But, if you were anything like me, once those nine months came into play, you were ready! Any day, any time! You wanted to give birth to your bundle of joy finally, and instead of talking and holding your belly, you can hold and talk to your baby!
You spend nine months preparing for this bundle of joy, but reality just hit! Oh, snap, I’m a mom! What do I do? I have a baby!
*pulls hair*
*screams from the top of lungs*
Mommy, just breathe! You got this! I promise!
Babies don’t come out with instructions or a manual! All the instructions and how to do everything is already within you! You have to ignite that mommy flame within you!
I experience the “OH MY GOSH, I’M A MOMMY” shock! Being a mother at 23 years old can be interesting, especially when you grew up in a house full of older siblings and not one younger sibling because you were the youngest!
Therefore, I had no diaper experience and no real knowledge of looking after a young sibling! I was the baby! Ironically enough use to look after my older brothers (6 and 10 years older), but that is another story!
As a new mother, everything is different. The term motherhood now has a new meaning for you!
What is Motherhood?
If the typical person were asked what motherhood is, they would respond with “being a mother,” “having a baby, or taking care of a child as their mother figure.”
As a new mother, the term motherhood means so much more than just being a mother or being a caregiver of a child. It means no more sleep lol. Motherhood is when you have to wake up in the middle of the night to change your baby’s diaper. Then rocking them back to sleep, hoping you can catch some more hours of sleep.
Motherhood is emotional! You will find yourself crying for some time, for no reason at all. Just breathe, laugh it off, and keep it moving! You’re a new mom, you will make mistakes, but don’t kill yourself over them. There are still mothers on their third child trying to figure out motherhood, so don’t stress yourself out.
Dang, Kayla! There are mothers with their third and fourth children who still haven’t grasped motherhood?
How am I supposed to survive as a new mother, then?
Got you cover mommy! Keep reading for the keys to success, or should I say motherhood!
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7+ Ways to Survive Motherhood as a First Time Mom
Surviving as a new mom, believe it or not, is possible! If you follow these first time mom tips and advice, below:
1) Take it Day by Day
Each day is a brand new day, treat it as such. Leave whatever went wrong the previous day, and move on. The fastest you learn not to weigh too heavily on the negative and focus more on the positive, the more your life will be much more straightforward and stress-free. You are only human, as much as we all want to be superwoman or better yet supermom. We still make mistakes.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”Each day is a brand new day, treat it as such. Leave whatever went wrong the previous day, and move on.’ – Kayla, My Motherhood Made Easy” quote=”‘Each day is a brand new day, treat it as such. Leave whatever went wrong the previous day, and move on.'” theme=”style1″]
2) Laugh it off
If you make a mistake or your significant other makes a mistake, don’t argue with each other over it. Just laugh it off. You are both learning together as first time parents. These are going to be memories yall will look back on and have that “ahh, we did it” moment together.
3) Learn to Ask for Help
I wholeheartedly believe this is the most important tip. Like I said before, don’t try to be supermom, you will get burn out and turn into the biggest witch! Ask for help when needed. You will need to take time out to yourself to breathe and relax.
4) Take Out Me-Time
When you do get a chance to take time out to yourself, DON’T USE THIS TIME TO DO HOUSEWORK OR CHORES! Conduct an activity that makes you happy and relaxed like a nice bath, planning, journaling, listening to music, etc. It will be great if you can conduct something you did before being a mother that’s not too far fetch now lol. An excellent example of this is getting your nails done, new hair color, and a trip to the beach. Conducting something you have done before the baby is crucial because, at some point, you are going to feel like you are not yourself, and we want to prevent postpartum depression instead of igniting that fuel.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘When you do get a chance to take time out to yourself, DON’T USE THIS TIME TO DO HOUSEWORK OR CHORES! Conduct an activity that makes you happy and relaxed like a nice bath, planning, journaling, listening to music, etc.’- Kayla, My Motherhood Made Easy” quote=”When you do get a chance to take time out to yourself, DON’T USE THIS TIME TO DO HOUSEWORK OR CHORES! Conduct an activity that makes you happy and relaxed like a nice bath, planning, journaling, listening to music, etc.” theme=”style1″]
5) Embrace Motherhood with a Smile
You are a mother! Motherhood is not all bad. It’s a beautiful thing! Holding your precious baby in your arm is the most wonderful thing ever! Just wait until the little one starts smiling. Your heart will melt. You will soon realize that life has such a more significant meaning as a mother. So, be happy and know you are blessed to be a mother! Because we’re amazing, duh!!!
- Pro Mommy Tip: Start off each day with a mom affirmation!
♥Try These Motherhood Affirmations to Embrace Motherhood With a Smile ♥
6) Record this Moment
You don’t want to be the mother, regretting they did take pictures or have recordings of their little one as they grew up. I know for sure I have 1000+ photos and videos of my little one, and she is only six months this month! But, I am so happy I do, because if I’m ever away from her, or feeling down, I can watch a video of her smiling and or look through her pictures.
7) Buy-in Bulks/ Stock up
Never buy one pair of diapers, formula, or wipes. You don’t want to make several trips to the store a week to keep getting these items. Plus, with a newborn, you are kind of stuck at the house for a while. No one wants to go out in public and expose their newborns to germs. Nor does anyone want to be the mom that’s getting the death stare because the baby won’t stop crying! TRUST ME, I’VE BEEN THERE! You have to stop caring about what others think.
- Pro Mommy tip: You can always Subscribe & Save on Amazon this way you can save time and money on everyday household items (including diapers, formula, and wipes).
Related: 13+ Free Pregnancy and Baby Items (2022)
8) Ignore Ignorance People in Public
People are bound to piss you off as a new mother or make you feel very uncomfortable. You will get the judgemental staredown just because your baby is doing what babies do, CRY! Don’t take it to heart, and don’t let the staredowns keep you from being a mom.
9) Don’t Neglect Your Health
Your health is just as important as the baby’s. Make sure you are conducting everything that was recommended to you by your doctor. Give your time to heal. Don’t try to run a marathon the next day after having a baby. ONCE AGAIN, WE ARE NOT SUPERHUMANS, even though at times we make it seem like it!
10) Sleep When Baby Sleeps
It’s imperative that during the postpartum phase, you sleep when the baby sleeps. Don’t try to clean up the house during this time. You can do all that when the baby is up. Just put the baby in a baby carrier and conduct the activities you need to do. Trust me; this will help you from burning out and getting depressed because you sleep deprived.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘It’s imperative that during the postpartum phase, you sleep when the baby sleeps. Don’t try to clean up the house during this time. You can do all that when the baby is up.’ – Kayla, My Motherhood Made Easy” quote=”It’s imperative that during the postpartum phase, you sleep when the baby sleeps. Don’t try to clean up the house during this time. You can do all that when the baby is up.” theme=”style1″]
♥Enroll in this Ultimate Breastfeeding Class Taught by a Certified Lactation Educator ♥
8 Quick First Time Mom Tips for Success in Motherhood
- Be the best version of yourself for your baby.
- Don’t give up. It’s going to be hard, but you got this!
- Be resilient.
- Keep a basic routine.
- Organize and make stations around the house to help you with taking care of the baby.
- Pack the right stuff in Your Diaper Bag to prevent chaos when out with the baby.
- SLEEP WHEN BABY SLEEPS!!!!!! #1 New Mom Tip
- Take a mommy course. I recommend Baby on a Budget.
Common Questions/FAQ About Surviving as a New Mom
How can I survive the first month of motherhood?
My best advice for surviving as a new mom is to go with the punches and conduct as much research as you can. Now don’t google everything and have a panic attack (same as googling your symptoms). But, of course, it’s best to be safe than sorry. You will know when there is something wrong with your baby, your motherly instinct will tell you.
Also, start a routine asap. Babies like routines because they know what to expect, and they are not startled by surprises. If you want to condition your child to sleep every day at a specific time, start day one! Train them to day and night, by ensuring when they wake up in the morning that you have the curtains pulled back and the window open in clear view to represent the day. At night, make sure the room is dark, and nothing is on (excluding music) to teach nighttime to the baby.
Do babies get more manageable at six weeks?
I think this is subjective. If you learn your baby entirely and continuously observe your baby behaviors, then its possible for your baby to seem more manageable to care for at six weeks. Please note, babies have growth spurts, so they might be fussier because they want more food. Some new moms may be overwhelmed with the change, making this question conditional. I will say you will more than likely enjoy your baby more at six weeks as they are learning you more as well. My daughter is going to be six months this month, and I love how she is currently!
How do I survive my first few weeks with a baby?
To survive your first few weeks with a baby as a new mom, I suggest you follow all your doctor’s instructions and read the baby care pamphlet they will give you at the hospital. Make sure you or someone else take notes of what the doctor says to you, so you don’t forget. Also, I recommend you to be easy going with a new baby. In other words, don’t be quick to get upset or frustrated because you’ve gotten up several times to change the baby diaper or to put the baby back to sleep.
What do new moms need most?
As a new mom, you will need to have patience, understanding, and need resilience. The more patience and understanding you can be, the better it will be when tackling this new life experience. Just think about becoming a mom like any other life-changing event.
Let me stop right there. Most people already don’t like new changes.
Well, Guess what mommy? You better start working on your resilience because there will be a whole lot of changes in these next 18+ years. The better you can bounce back from a swift in your norms, the easier your motherhood will start to feel.
When can newborn go out?
As long as your baby is healthy, fresh air is suitable for both of yall. But, ensure you are taking the necessary precautions for your baby. Make sure your baby has bundled up accordingly to the weather. Of course, don’t go out in the rain. Avoid busy and crowded places, aka germ central! Don’t let anybody touch your baby while you are out. If you are a little unsure about taking your baby out the first couple weeks, then wait until the baby gets their shots (Always ask your pediatrician and doctor provider what they recommend).
When should I start getting my baby into a routine?
You should try to start a routine with your baby as soon as possible. The earlier the routine is conducted, and the more consistent the routine is conducted, the better!
When does motherhood get easier?
I genuinely believe the answer to this question is conditional based on different experiences. I could answer and say for me, that motherhood got easy in month 5 with my baby girl. But, you might find it easier earlier on than month five or maybe even years later.
The Last Thing You Need to Know About Surviving as a New Mom (First Time Mom Tips)
Surviving as a new mom is not as hard as it seems. Just stay motivated and restart yourself every day. Take in all the good and let go of all the bad. You are blessed beyond measure to be a mother! Following this amazing guide and surviving as a new mom will definitely be achievable in no time! Congratulations, and WELCOME TO MOTHERHOOD!
As always, please share your experience surviving as a new mom below in the comment section and also share this post via social media (Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, etc.).
If you are pregnant, check out these blog posts to help you through your pregnancy:
- 30 Pregnancy Affirmations To Help You Through Your Pregnancy
- The Best Products to Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy
- 10 Reasons Why Every Mom to Be Needs An Amazon Baby Registry
- The Best Guide To Adapting Your Pets To Your Newborn (Pets and Infants)
Looking into becoming a SAHM, check out these blog posts below:
- The Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Stay At Home Mom
- Ways To Make Money As a Stay at Home Mom
- 10 Best Stay At Home Mom Tips to Staying Active
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