The Best Products to Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy
If you’re pregnant or have been before you know that stretch marks are bound to happen. But, if you use the right products to prevent stretch marks and take the right actions you can prevent stretch marks. As a pregnant woman, I have searched the web back and forth to find the perfect solution to stretch marks. Searched on youtube and asked mothers on mommy Facebook groups for mommy-recommended products to prevent stretch marks. My search hasn’t been in vain for I have been able to prevent stretch marks during my pregnancy. Stretch marks and pregnancy skin will no longer be used in the same sentence after these amazing remedies!
If you’re reading this, and are trying to prevent stretch marks, you are in luck! Below I have provided the best products to prevent stretch marks during and after pregnancy.
What are Stretch Marks?
If you ever wonder what are stretch marks? Stretch Marks are long, thin scars that can appear as pink, red, or purple streaks on your body. They are commonly found on the stomach, breasts, hips, buttocks, and thighs. Stretch marks commonly occur during pregnancy and obesity.
Why do Stretch Marks happen during and after Pregnancy?
- The most common causes of Stretch marks during and after pregnancy is dehydrated skin and fast, excessive weight gain.
- Women are said to be at higher risk for stretch marks during pregnancy, due to family history, hormones, and more. 50 to 90 percent of pregnant women develop stretch marks before delivery.
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Best Products to Overcome Stretch Marks During Pregnancy
If you are serious about preventing stretch marks while you are pregnant, then these are the must-have products to help you prevent stretch marks:
- Pompeian Robust Extra Virgin Olive Oil is what I currently use to prevent stretch marks on my pregnant belly. I searched on youtube and was recommended this amazing product. Not only does it help prevent stretch marks but if you apply it to your special place (vagina) it supposes to help prevent tears during labor. TWO IN ONE! I apply this at night before bed. I don’t recommend this product if you are in the first trimester and or still suffering from nausea. The smell can be a little strong.
- LouAna Pure Coconut Oil (All Natural) is also another product that I personally use on my belly to prevent stretch marks. I love this oil because it’s all-natural and makes my skin feel and look wonderful! This oil is also a double bonus if you want to have shiny and smooth skin. Plus, it’s 30 fl oz which is pretty big. I’ve been able to use this one bottle for over 6 months now.
Recommended Products Others Have Tried
- Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Tummy Butter Balm for Stretch Marks and Pregnancy Skin Care, 4.4 oz. (Pack of 3) has been recommended by many mothers on youtube. From research, this product is said to be very thick and can be used without the need for extra oil. It is said to be very hydrated for the skin. Women who have used it recommend putting this great product on at night before bed.
- Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion For Stretch Marks and Pregnancy Skin Care. This fantastic product has been used by mothers to prevent stretch marks. This lotion is reported as the #1 Stretch Marks Brand in the US. Mothers have used this lotion during the day and when they have the urge to itch their bellies. Some have reported using oil with this lotion to ensure maximum hydration.
Common Questions/FAQ About Stretch Marks During Pregnancy
Here are the most frequently asked questions about stretch marks during pregnancy:
When should I start using stretch mark cream during pregnancy?
I would recommend that you start using a stretch mark cream as soon as you find out you’re pregnant. Some women tend to find out their pregnant later than others. But, in the beginning, your boobs will grow before your belly. So, if you use the cream early on you can target other areas of your belly to prevent stretch marks.
Women have reported their boobs getting bigger as early as weeks 6 to 8. Therefore, using a stretch mark cream at 6 weeks can benefit.
Do stretch marks get worse with each pregnancy?
Stretch marks usually fade with time but it is easy to get more severe stretch marks than your previous pregnancy if you happen to increase weight faster than your previous pregnancy. Also, if you neglect your body by not hydrating, you can find yourself with stretch marks.
Does scratching cause stretch marks?
When your belly grows it may become itchy. So scratching is not the reason for stretch marks but more of a side effect of your stretching skin.
Whatever you do, do not scratch your belly! Rub your belly with lotion or powder as an alternative.
Do Stretch Marks go away?
There is no definitive answer to whether or not stretch marks go away. Some people seem to think that they do, while others claim that they never really disappear. The truth is likely somewhere in the middle – while they may not disappear completely, they can become much less noticeable with time. If you are unhappy with your stretch marks, there are a few things you can do to try and make them less visible. These include using a moisturizer, using a self-tanner, and wearing clothes that fit well. If you are still not satisfied, there are also a number of treatments available that can help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Talk to your doctor if you are interested in these treatments.
The Last Thing You Need to Know About Stretch Marks During Pregnancy
- Take care of your body, stay hydrated, and use the products mentioned in this blog to prevent stretch marks.
- BONUS: You might not be getting the number of Electrolytes you need. Try Drinking Pedialyte AdvancedCare Electrolyte Solution with PreAvtiv Prebiotics to help with your
electrolyte intake. - Have you created your baby registry yet? Check out these 10 reasons why you should create your baby registry with Amazon.
- Sharing is caring! Share this post on your Pinterest and Facebook. Please share some products you have used and worked for stretch marks below in the comments.
If you are pregnant, check out these blog posts to help you through your pregnancy:
- 30 Pregnancy Affirmations To Help You Through Your Pregnancy
- 10 Reasons Why Every Mom to Be Needs An Amazon Baby Registry
- The Best Guide To Adapting Your Pets To Your Newborn (Pets and Infants)
- A Cheat Sheet to Having a Mermaid Themed Baby Shower
- The Beginner’s Guide to Surviving as a New Mom
- A Comprehensive Guide to Preventing Stretch Marks: Proven Strategies and Measures
Looking into becoming a SAHM, check out these blog posts below:
- The Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Stay At Home Mom
- Ways To Make Money As a Stay at Home Mom
- 10 Best Stay At Home Mom Tips to Staying Active
Thursday 21st of March 2019
Coconut oil is everything! I used it for cracked nipples as well! <3
Thursday 21st of March 2019
Hi Lorena,
Thanks for dropping an extra gem! I will definitely remember that hack for cracked nipples. Thanks for sharing!
Kayla | Mommy Blogger | My Motherhood Made Easy
Tuesday 19th of March 2019
I used the tummy butter. I feel it did help for sure. Didn't prevent all of them but I feel it prevented more of them! This is a great resource list for pregnant mamas!
Tuesday 19th of March 2019
I wish there was a way to get rid of them one you HAVE them! Thanks for the tips! I'll have to use this for the next baby. :)
Tuesday 19th of March 2019
Hi Nicole,
Thanks for the feedback! I know I read that stretch marks will eventually fade away. So, maybe you can use the cream to help prevent them on the next baby or even test it out now to see if it improves the appearance of the stretch marks.
Thanks again!
xoxo, Kayla
Tuesday 19th of March 2019
Coconut oil is seriously a miracle oil!! Fabulous list of products that help prevent stretch marks.
Tuesday 19th of March 2019
Hi Ayesha,
I love love love coconut oil! It's just so amazing! :)
Thanks for your feedback!
Tuesday 19th of March 2019
Wish I would have tried these more consistently but I think I was destined to have lots of stretch marks. I do love coconut oil! This article is super helpful for new Mamas! If all else fails, embrace those stripes! Xo
Tuesday 19th of March 2019
Hi Victoria,
Thanks for your lovely feedback! I love it when mommies are so positive! When all fails, those stretch marks are better than tattoos because they have such a deeper meaning! Absolutely Love it! I might write my next post on embracing your stretch marks :) !
Thanks for sharing!