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10 Reasons Why Every Mom to Be Needs An Amazon Baby Registry
As a Mommy to be, having a good baby registry is vital. I have been searching for and asking other moms their opinion on the best place to do a baby registry. As the advice came flowing in and after conducting research myself, I couldn’t stray away from Amazon Baby Registry. Prior to getting pregnant, I was using Amazon faithfully. I even invested in the Prime Membership, which is completely awesome! Due to Prime, I get free two-day shipping! I know, it’s amazing! But, other than amazing fast shipping, I also was taking advantage of Amazon Music and Amazon Prime Videos which come with Prime Membership.
Amazon was my go-to place when looking for my everyday items at a cheaper price. So, when I found out they had a Baby Registry, I was completely all in! As much as I have tried to also create several other baby registries to go along with my Amazon Baby Registry, I couldn’t see the meaning of using other baby registries. Amazon seemed to be the best in every category of items that I would want to add to my baby registry (diapers, strollers, clothing, etc).
What is a Baby Registry?
A Baby Registry is a wonderful resourceful service provided by companies for expecting parents to add a list of baby products that want in preparation for the baby’s arrival. A Baby Registry can be given out to family members and friends to communicate with your baby’s gift preferences. Creating a baby registry is just one of the main things mommies are doing during their second trimester!
Related: The Ultimate Second Trimester To Do List [25 Things To Do + Checklist]
Why is a Baby Registry Needed?
A Baby Registry is needed for every mom to be, because:
- It gives your family and friends a clear cut preference for items you need and want for your baby to come.
- Who doesn’t like free items? You have an abundance of people ready to help you prepare for your bundle of joy, why not make it easier for them to help you out?
- Typically, baby registries are used before your baby shower so the guests can provide the baby items you want and need.
- Speaking of a baby shower, have you started preparing for yours? I can help you plan for your next baby shower. Click here for more info.
- Think about it like having a grocery/ wish list. When you go to the store with a list of items you want and need, you tend to save more money and are better prepared for the temptation of picking up random items you don’t need. I can vouch and say I can count on my fingers and toes how many times I wish I had a list of things I needed before going to the store.
How to Set Up an Amazon Baby Registry
Looking to start your Amazon baby Registry? Here is a how-to video, that shows you exactly How to Set Up an Amazon Baby Registry!

10 Reasons Why Every Mom to Be Needs An Amazon Baby Registry
The moment you have been patiently waiting for has arrived! I am presenting you with the Amazing Amazon Baby Registry that will solve all your registry needs and wants! Below you will find ten beautiful reasons why you should create an Amazon baby registry today:
Reason 1: It’s Universal
- You ever surf the web and see an item you wanted? Well, Amazon has this beautiful feature where you can add any item from a different website onto your registry. You can add your other registries onto one list by adding them to your Amazon Baby registry!
Reason 2: 90 Days Returns
- Amazon allows you to make 90 days returns after the receipt of the shipping of your item. This feature is excellent if as soon as the baby arrives, you realize the baby is too big for newborn size clothing.
- On the sad note, this is not the best perk of the baby registry; it is of the lowest perk since many other baby registries do allow 365 days instead of just 90 days. But, I will say, that other companies are charging more for their baby items, so its almost as if they owe you 365 days for returns (Just my personal opinion).
Reason 3: Fast Free Shipping
- Fast Free Shipping is the best perk for me. As a prime member, I get free two-day shipping. Imagine thinking you had brought enough of an item and realize that you didn’t. You could get in your car and rush to the store and buy the item, but who got gas and time like that to be wasting as a busy mom? Just hop on Amazon, and order that item and wait for two days if you can manage. If not, hey that’s why you got gas in your car and hopefully, you got saved funds for emergencies.
Related: 13+ Free Pregnancy and Baby Items (2022)
Reason 4: Largest Selection to Choose From
- Amazon has over a million products to choose from. If there is any item that you can possibly think of, Amazon most likely has it. Now, I have heard some interesting items that most mommy to be want and mothers have used for their babies. I never thought about vegan baby wipes before, but hey guess what? Amazon has those baby wipes!
Reason 5: Mobile Registry
- As a millennial, I love technology and love anything I can easily access and use on my mobile phone. The fact that the Amazon baby registry is so mobile friendly, was a super plus to me. I legit made my whole baby registry on my mobile phone. Of course, from time to time I also manage my registry from my computer. But, when people ask me for the link to my baby registry it takes me one minute to access it via mobile.
Reason 6: 20% Off Diapers and Baby Food
- You can save up to 20% off Diapers and Baby Food when you are a prime member of Amazon and subscribe for monthly subscriptions on diapers, baby food, and more baby products. Trust me, you would want a recurring box of diapers and baby food coming to your house every month (especially, if your pregnancy brain lasts a little longer than expected). Try Prime Membership Free for 30 days today!
Reason 7: Free Welcome Box
- Like I said before who doesn’t like free stuff? If you are an Amazon Prime Member you will be sent a free welcome box when you or when your gifters have purchased $10 or more from your baby registry! I guess you can say Amazon wants to thank you for choosing to have your baby registry with them and also for being a Prime Member (which you can start now for Free).
Reason 8: Diaper Fund
- Trust this will be your favorite feature if you are planning on using diapers. Amazon also your family members and friends to contribute any amount of money towards your diaper fund. The money received will be converted in the form of an Amazon gift card. The Amazon gift card can also be used towards other products, which is also if you no longer need just diapers.
Reason 9: Group Gifting
- I have personally had a fear of having family members and friends stray away from certain items on my baby registry because of the price. So when I saw this option of group gifting, I was so relieved. Amazon Group Gifting feature allows multiple people to contribute money towards higher dollar items on your registry! PRETTY AWESOME RIGHT?! 🙂
Reason 10: Completion Discount
- Don’t be afraid if you still have items left on your baby registry after your baby shower. Amazon gives 10% off to non-prime members and 15% off to prime members of the items left on their baby registry. This completion discount is available 60 days prior to your baby’s arrival date that you provided on your baby registry.
The Last Thing You Need to Know about Amazon Baby Registry
Don’t be modest with your baby registry. Add whatever your heart desires. If you would like to see an example of a baby registry or just want to help me prepare for my baby’s arrival, here’s my amazon baby registry: Kayla’s Baby Registry.
Please share this post on Pinterest and Facebook. Comment below with your questions, concerns, and or experiences with baby registries.
If you are pregnant, check out these blog posts to help you through your pregnancy:
- 30 Pregnancy Affirmations To Help You Through Your Pregnancy
- The Best Products to Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy
- 10 Reasons Why Every Mom to Be Needs An Amazon Baby Registry
- The Best Guide To Adapting Your Pets To Your Newborn (Pets and Infants)
- A Cheat Sheet to Having a Mermaid Themed Baby Shower
- The Beginner’s Guide to Surviving as a New Mom
- Must Have Products On Your Baby Registry
Looking into becoming a SAHM, check out these blog posts below:
- The Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Stay At Home Mom
- Ways To Make Money As a Stay at Home Mom
- 10 Best Stay At Home Mom Tips to Staying Active
Tuesday 16th of April 2019
When I was pregnant with my son I didn't do a baby registry with Amazon, but I have heard such great things from them! I'll have to give it a try for the next time around. Thanks for sharing!
Abu Zaid
Tuesday 2nd of April 2019
Awesome article, My be my wife should read about this article
Shannan P
Monday 1st of April 2019
This is fantastic! I had no idea that Amazon offered all of this through their registry. Wish they'd had this when I was having my kids!
Sincerely Miss J
Thursday 28th of March 2019
Great post. I did not have my baby registry with Amazon but for my next one may use Amazon.
Brittany Vantrease
Thursday 28th of March 2019
Amazon is so easy and convenient to use. A lot of my friends were registered at places like Target or Babies 'r us and we didn't have those nearby. I swear that the registries never worked online, either.