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New Mom Guide To Baby Crying

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Baby Crying? How To Tell What They Are Trying To Tell You

Why do babies cry a lot?  Does it seem like they are always on the verge of tears?  There are times infants cry because they are upset. Most times, babies cry because they are trying to tell us something.

What Is My Baby Trying To Tell Me?

It can get exhausting hearing your little one screech and fuss.  Especially on days where you just get done putting out one fire and another one lights up.

Understanding that cries are a form of baby talk might ease your feelings that you just have a grumpy baby on your hands.

So how can you tell what they are trying to tell you? Let’s explore what different cries mean!  

When you know what your baby is trying to say you will give them what they need!  When a baby’s get what they need you might find they won’t cry as much.

Let’s get to the bottom of what babies’ cries mean.

Are you a new mother trying to survive motherhood? Check out this amazing blog post to help make motherhood must easier as a new mom.

What Do Babies Need

Babies cry because they need something from their mommy.  The top needs of newborns include being fed, getting sleep, clean diapers, and needing affection.

More than likely a baby cries because one of their needs is not being met. 

Have you ever heard a seasoned grandma say, “Oh that sounds like a hungry cry.”  How can she tell?  I know there are many times I can’t tell the difference!

There are subtle differences though, paired with other cues that can help you know what your baby needs and what to do to care for them.

Time to dig deeper!

Hungry Cries

When a baby is hungry they often start off with showing you cues.  They might root at your shoulder, smack their lips, suck on their hands, or get squirmy.

Baby’s usually don’t start crying until they’ve gone through the list of nonverbal cues.  At this point, they are starving!  As a result, their cries will sound urgent.  “Mama feed me now!!!”  

Their cries will be like a constant wail that rises and falls.

What to do:  Feed your baby!

Sleepy Cries

A sleepy baby also gives off signs that they are tired along with their cries.  They might start to rub their eyes or have a hard time keeping their eyes open.  You will also see a lot of yawning.

Tired cries usually sound like your baby is yawning and crying at the same time.  If your baby is overtired cries can turn into loud angry-sounding wails.

What to do: Try to settle your baby down to sleep as soon as possible to avoid having an overtired baby.  When babies are overtired it’s harder to get them to go to sleep.

Want to learn how to get your baby to sleep through the night: How To Get Your Newborn Baby To Sleep Through The Night

Uncomfortable Cries aka Change My Diaper

Babies have different tolerances to feeling wet, dirty, or cold, but eventually, they will let you know how they feel.

When newborns are uncomfortable they usually make a short cry like “eh, eh, eh.”  It also might sound like they are whining.

What to do: Check their diaper and change if needed.  Also, check to see if they are too hot or cold and change clothes as needed.

Affection Seeking Cries

There are times when all a baby wants is their mommy.  They might be bored if they have been in the same spot for a long time.  Your baby may have heard a loud noise and need to feel secure. Sometimes babies go through a clingy stage.  

When your baby wants nothing but he or she will maintain a low level of fussiness.  If you pick them up they stop crying but once you put them down they start crying again.  Their cries might be like whimpers or have an extra dose of sadness to it.  

What to do: Take time to hold your baby.  Rock them, go to a quiet room, talk or sing to them. Relaxing with your baby and stepping away from all of the stimulation is just what your baby needs.

Baby Crying Checklist

Even with all the different sounds and cues, a baby makes it’s still not easy to know what they need exactly.  I find going through a mental checklist helps me figure out what my baby needs every time they cry.

Doing a quick rundown in my mind is super helpful.  Try getting in the habit of going through this baby crying checklist to make it easier for you to know what your baby is trying to tell you.

    • Hungry:  When did I last feed him/her?  Recently, not hungry.  Several hours, hungry.

    • Sleepy:  When did he or she last sleep? Recently, not sleepy.  Several hours, sleepy.

    • Uncomfortable:  Check diaper.  Check for hot or cold skin.  Check for uncomfortable positions.

  • Needs mommy: When is the last time I held my baby?  Is my baby bored?  Scared?

As you run through the checklist you will be able to pinpoint what your baby is saying.

If your baby is still crying after all the above needs are taken care of, your baby might be colicky.

The Last Thing You Need to Know About Baby Crying

Baby’s cry, it’s part of being a baby. To help make motherhood easy and not get stressed, get familiar with the sounds and cues your baby uses. Pretty soon you’ll be like the seasoned grandma and can say, “That’s a hungry cry!”

As always, Sharing is caring! Don’t forget to share this article with your friends and family. Share on social media (Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Reddit) as well! Also, share some of your baby crying hacks below in the comments!

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