21+ Best Spring Cleaning Hacks for Busy Moms
It’s that time of the year again. Yes, spring cleaning! Spring cleaning can be viewed in two ways:
You can be the mother that dreads spring cleaning because you feel like you never have the actual time you need to clean up the whole house.
You can be the mom that is just obsessed with keeping your house clean, and Spring just makes this even more of a priority!
But how do you survive spring cleaning when you are a busy mom? Like is that even possible?
Yes. Yes, it is. Keep reading to find out how you can survive spring cleaning with the best spring cleaning hacks and tips by busy moms.
What is Spring Cleaning?
For those that don’t know: Spring cleaning is literally what it sounds like.
It’s the act of cleaning up your house thoroughly in the springtime. In most cases of Spring cleaning, moms typically clean their house from top to bottom and from left to right, making this season’s activity a huge deal.
Why Do Busy Moms Dread Spring Cleaning?
Most busy mothers dread spring cleaning because they simply don’t have the time to clean up their house from top to bottom left to right. And just the idea of doing such make their skin crawl.
Well, let’s really think about it:
- You have to go get all your cleaning supplies, hopefully at a nearby store.
- Then you have to plan out when you are going to clean or if you are going even to have the time to clean.
- Plus, you are already juggling 1001 things to do all in one day.
But don’t start the dreading now. I have 21+ best spring cleaning hacks for busy moms like yourself and at least 11 of them by busy moms!
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21+ Best Spring Cleaning Hacks for Busy Moms
Busy moms fear not for these 21+ best spring cleaning hacks will help you to stop dreading spring cleaning. Grab a pen and a piece of paper, and let get right into these tips and tricks for spring cleaning:
Tip 1: Stop making spring cleaning a seasonal event
Instead of waiting to springtime to thoroughly clean up your house, try to clean up your home “ thoroughly” during the week or weekends.
If you stop making Spring Cleaning a seasonal event and do it every week, then you won’t really have to clean up your house throughout because it will already be cleaned, and all you will have to do is maintain it.
Tip 2: Create a Cleaning routine
Sometimes the hardest part of the spring cleaning is not having a plan on how to complete everything that you want to clean up. It is not as simple as just going on a rant thinking that you’re going to complete everything.
My suggestion is to start in one room and work your way into another room.
Maybe it will be best to focus on one room a day or even two days out of the week.
Tip 3: Delegate Cleaning Tasks
You’re a mom so you have a whole team to help you out when it comes down to cleaning up the house. Let your little one help you out with age-appropriate tasks. If anything let your child clean up their own space this is the perfect activity to teach your child cleanliness. Now guess what, you are one room less on your spring cleaning list.
Tip 4: Find motivation for your spring cleaning event
I think the best motivation for your spring cleaning event is to watch the TV show Hoarders. If you’re not familiar with the TV show Hoarders it’s about random people in America that have a serious hoarder’s condition. Meaning they do not know how to get rid of things and instead of getting rid of the things that they should get rid of, they keep them forever.
If you can imagine a house full of random stuff to the point where you can barely get out of the rooms or get out of your bed without stepping on something then that’s the lifestyle of a hoarder.
Just imagining a house full of thousand lego pieces all on the floor makes me cringe.
Tip 5: Donate items that you do not need anymore to make more space
Spring cleaning is the perfect time to get rid of stuff that you don’t need anymore. Less stuff more space. the more you purge the stuff that’s irrelevant anymore the more you’ll be able to move things around and make your house look more spacious and clean.
Yes, it is more of your visual thing than you think.
Tip 6: Use a broom to reach hard to reach areas that need to be Dust
Before there were Swiffers, there were brooms lol. If you don’t own a Swiffer or want to go out to the store and purchase one, use a broom to dust out hard-to-reach areas like the corners of the ceilings.
Tip 7: Use Newspaper and not Paper towels to clean mirrors and windows
I was like today’s years old when I found out about this cleaning hack. Apparently, the newspaper is the better option for cleaning mirrors and windows and paper towels weren’t really made for it. That’s why you get the streaks and pieces of paper left on the mirrors after wiping it down.
Tip 8: Use a Vaccum Cleaner
Whoever invented the vacuum cleaner was a lifesaver. There have been countless times, where I was able to reduce my cleaning time down to half by using a vacuum cleaner! Definitely, the best investment you might make in your whole cleaning lifetime.
Tip 9: Invest in an iRobot
If sweeping and or vacuuming floors on your own are really not your thing, it might be wise to invest in an iRobot. An iRobot is an automatic cleaning machine that cleans carpet and hard floors every day! The coolest thing is, if you have Alexa products such as an Echo Dot, you’ll be able to use voice commands with your iRobot! Talk about cleaning service in one statement!
Tip 10: If you have a fur pet that shed a lot use a Lint roller
Our furry friends can leave a big furry mess in the house. The best way to put up the hairs off of furniture is to use a lint roller and a vacuum cleaner of course! If you are looking for a vacuum cleaner that is destined with pet owners in mind, check out this amazing pet-friendly vacuum cleaner!
Tip 11: Use Essential Oils
You will be surprised how much essential oils can not only help with the smell of your home but also the process of cleaning up surfaces. Add your favorite essential oil with vinegar and water to clean up your windows and window sills.
Tip 12: Empty out your pantry of expired items
Emptying out your pantry of expired items can easily be overlooked when it comes down to spring cleaning. Don’t forget to add this important task to your spring cleaning list.

Awesome Spring Cleaning Tips from Busy Moms
Okay, here are some more life-changing Spring Cleaning Tips from Busy Moms themselves! Grab a pen and paper, and let’s get right into these amazing spring cleaning tips and tricks:
Tip 13: Create a routine and cleaning list that works for your family.
Create a routine and cleaning lists that works for your family. I have weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly lists to help me remember everything that we need to do to take care of our home. As a family, we divide and conquer. Plus, it teaches children how to properly take care of a home. –Mamie from Mamie L. Pack
Tip 14: Five Minute Clean-Up Everyday
5-minute clean-up every day. Honest..it works. Mom of 6 here and we use a 5-minute cleanup every day (sometimes a few times a day). When you get into the nitty-gritty of spring cleaning the 5-minute cleanup will have saved you tons of time. Imagine how much one can get done in 5 minutes? Just the other day I sent my girls upstairs to go through their drawers for 5 minutes. They came down with two whole bags for donations! All in 5 minutes. –Jacquie from Kitchen Psychology
Tip 15: Lovely Kitchen, Lovely Spring Cleaning
Start and end the day with a shiny kitchen sink! –Heather from Blog Share
Tip 16: Donate To A Local Charity
Your trash could be someone else’s treasure. Please give the items that you no longer want or need to individuals who could use them. Look for a local charity in your area that supports those in need. –Sandi from Happy Science Mom
Tip 17: Declutter While You Go
Declutter while you go and make your spring cleaning much easier. Kaeleigh from The Faithful Help Meet shows you how to declutter and organize your home in 7 days! -Kaeleigh from The Faithful Help Meet
Tip 18: Haven’t worn it in 6 months, get rid of it
Rule of thumb if you haven’t used it or worn it in more than 6 months you don’t need it. – Rayann from The Unfiltered Mama
Tip 19: Declutter Your Fiances
Spring cleaning isn’t only for your kiddos’ toys! It’s the perfect time to simplify your finances! Do you have 421 passwords (it feels like it huh!) sign up with Lastpass so that you only have to remember the one password! It remembers all the other ones for you! –Kari from Money For The Mamas
Tip 20: Create a Relaxing and Fun Cleaning Environment
Turn the music on, open the windows and let the breeze blow through and focus one room at a time. Rearranging the furniture is a great way to clean underthings and set it up as a new room. Brighten up white trim with new paint. That will instantly make it feel so clean. Celebrate when it’s done! -Sandra from Optimized Life
Tip 21: Don’t Overdo It all At Once
Do a little at a time. Don’t feel like your entire home has to be finished in a single weekend. I’m giving myself the whole month of March to make it to every nook and cranny. And, don’t spend a fortune organizing! Check your local dollar stores for budget-friendly items. –Alanda from The Life of Leigh
Tip 22: Use an Old Sheet To Keep All The Dust From Falling on Furniture
For cleaning things up high: When cleaning light fixtures, spread an old sheet underneath to keep all of the dust from falling onto tables, furniture, or the ground. Use a vacuum with a long wand and brush attachment to vacuum ceiling registers. For smoke alarms, spring cleaning is a great time to give them a good dusting and change the batteries, if needed. –Jen from Jen Bradley Moms
Tip 23: Slowly Stay On Top Of Things
My best cleaning advice is to try to slowly stay on top of things. I feel my house is so much more organized and clean once I have done a little at a time. 5 minutes here and there can really do wonders and keep you sane (even if your toddler dumps a bin as soon as you walk out of the now organized space)! – Erin from The DIY Nuts
The Last Thing You Need to Know About Spring Cleaning Hacks
Spring Cleaning doesn’t have to be a dread time of the year. With the proper preparations and resources, spring cleaning this year will be a breeze for you and your family.
As always, Sharing is caring! Please share this post with your family and friends on social media (Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Reddit, etc.). Feel free to comment in the comment section below, how you survive Spring Cleaning as a Busy Mother! 🙂
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- 30 Pregnancy Affirmations To Help You Through Your Pregnancy
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