Kids are a lot of work. They have so much energy and drive, but they lack the patience to focus on anything for too long without getting bored or distracted. This can make it difficult when you need them to do chores around the house. In this article, we will discuss 11 different strategies that will help you get your kids to clean up their rooms and most importantly, after themselves!
Why is Teaching Your Kids How To Clean Up so Important?
Teaching your little one how to clean up, will not only set the stage for their overall cleanliness behavior and demeanor but will also save you a lot of mommy burnout moments. Studies show, that children who learn how to clean and care for their living spaces early on in life develop a sense of pride and self-sufficiency.
What are the Benefits of Kids Cleaning up?
Cleaning is very important for your child’s physical and mental health. It has been linked to increased self-esteem, better sleep patterns, improved moods, decreased depression levels as well as lower rates of anxiety in children who clean regularly. You can read more about it here!

How to Get Your Kids To Clean Up Their Rooms and After Themselves?
Okay, now that we know the importance of kids cleaning learning how to clean up early on, let’s go over how to actually get them to clean up their rooms and after themselves! Here are 11 strategies for getting your kids to clean up and do chores:
1) Establish a Cleaning Routine and Schedule:
One of the best ways to get your kids to clean up is by establishing a cleaning routine. This can involve setting specific days or times for different chores to be done. You can find more information on how to create a cleaning schedule here!
- Tip: Make sure that you are following through with this routine, otherwise it will be very easy for your kids to slip through the cracks.
- Tip: You can also mix up different types of chores like baking cookies on Mondays and vacuuming floors on Thursdays! This way you are keeping them engaged in doing their chores while at the same time making sure that they get every task done
2) Give Them A Cleaning List:
Another great way to get your kids to clean their rooms is by giving them a cleaning list. This will ensure that they know exactly what needs to be done and that there is no confusion. You can find free printable cleaning lists here!
- Tip: Make sure that the list is tailored to your child’s age. For instance, if your child is five years old then their list will be different from a fifteen-year-old’s
- Tip: You can also find lists that focus on specific rooms or areas of the home such as bathrooms and kitchens to make it easier for them to follow along with cleaning up!
3) Have Them Clean Up After Their Pets:
While this may seem a little unfair, having your child clean up after their pets will not only teach them to be responsible but will also have a very positive impact on the bond between you and your children. You can find more information about how to get kids to take care of their animals here!
- Tip: Try to make it a fun and enjoyable experience for them. For example, you can create little incentives such as giving your child extra screen time after they take out the trash or feed their pet!
- Tip: If you have more than one animal then try getting them involved in taking care of all of them together. This will give them a sense of responsibility and teach them to work together
4) Have Them Clean Up Before Guests Come Over:
One of the best ways to teach your kids about cleanliness is by having them clean up before guests come over. This will not only make your house look nicer but will also show them that it is important to be tidy and organized in preparation for company.
- Tip: Make sure that you give them a warning when guests are coming over so that they have enough time to clean up. For example, you can tell your child at least one day ahead of time when company is going to come over.
- Tip: You could even reward them for cleaning before the company comes over! This will make it much more rewarding and may motivate them in the future.
5) Have a Family Clean-Up Day:
Another great way to get your kids to clean is by having a family clean-up day! This can be done once or twice per month and will give everyone the opportunity to contribute their ideas about what needs to be cleaned. You can find more information on how you can start this here!
- Tip: Make sure that you have a plan and everyone knows what is expected of them. This will help to avoid any conflict or confusion while cleaning
- Tip: You can also make this day more fun by playing music, having snacks, or even taking a break to go outside and play!
6) Give Them an Allowance:
One of the best ways to get your kids to do chores is by giving them an allowance. This will not only teach them about money but it will also show them that they need to work hard in order to earn something. You can find more information on how to give allowances here!
- Tip: Try and match the number of chores they do to the amount of money you are giving them. For instance, if your child is nine years old then start with a weekly allowance of $10
- Tip: Make sure that this allowance does not come in addition to their other family allowances such as food and clothing costs. This will ensure that your child understands the importance of earning their own money
7) Make Them Work for Rewards:
Another way to get your kids to clean up is by making them work hard in order to earn a reward. This will not only teach them about responsibility but it can also be very motivating and may encourage them more than anything else you could do! You can find some ideas on how they can earn rewards here!
- Tip: Try to make the rewards something that they will enjoy. For example, you could let them choose a new game or movie for their gaming console after they finish cleaning up their room
- Tip: Make sure that these rewards are not given out too often as this may cause your children to lose interest in doing chores altogether! In addition, you don’t want them to expect a reward every time they do their chores.
- Tip: You can also use this method in conjunction with some of the other strategies on the list! This will help your kids learn about responsibility while having fun at the same time.
8) Try to Work Together:
Another great way to get your kids to clean up is by working together. You can accomplish this in a number of different ways, including making it into a game or doing chores as a family! This will not only make the process more fun but you may also find that they are willing to help out without even being asked. You can find more information on how to work together here!
- Tip: Make sure that you are setting a good example for your children by also helping out with the chores. This will show them that it is important to be responsible and help out when needed.
9) Create a Chore Chart:
One of the best ways to get your kids to clean up is by using a chore chart. This will give them something visual that they can look at every day and it may even motivate them more than anything else you could do! You can find some examples of how to create/ use a chore chart here!
- Tip: Try changing the chores on the chart each week so that it doesn’t get old and they stay motivated!
- Tip: You can also use this strategy along with some of the other ways to motivate your kids. They might be more likely to clean up their room if you let them choose one chore on the list each day.
And remember, don’t forget that it is okay for your child to have a messy room. This is not going to affect them in any way and they might even enjoy it! Just make sure that you are following these strategies so that your children understand the importance of cleaning up after themselves.
10) Give Them a Warning:
Another great way to get your kids to clean up is by letting them know that you are going to check in on their room. This will give them the chance to pick it up before they have an opportunity and may motivate them more than anything else you could do! You can find some examples of how this works here!
- Tip: Try to check in on them every hour so that their room is always clean. If you do this often enough they will know how long they have and may even start cleaning up before the time runs out!
11) Make Cleaning Fun:
One of the best ways to get your kids to clean up their rooms is by making it fun and enjoyable. You can do this in a number of different ways, including turning cleaning time into active playtime or relaxing with some music! This will not only make them more likely to want to help out but it can also be a lot of fun for the whole family. You can find more information on how to make cleaning fun here!
- Tip: Try different things each time so that it doesn’t get old and they stay interested in helping out around the house!
Download Free Kids Chore Chart
Don’t forget to download your FREE copy of our Kids Chore Chart, below:
Frequently Asked Questions About How to Get Kids to Clean Up
Here are the top and most frequently asked questions about kids cleaning up their room and after themselves:
What to do when child refuses to clean room?
If your child refuses to clean their room try teaching them the importance of cleaning their room, as well as, figure out what would motivate them to clean their room. Is your child, rewards motivated when it comes down to cleaning, or are they goal-oriented, do they enjoy checking off and completing tasks? Some kids like for you to help them a while before they take the task on for themselves, so try starting off by cleaning their room with them.
How to deal with a messy child?
Dealing with a messy child may seem daunting at first, but with the right guidance and actions, you’ll be able to help your messy child turn into a more neat and organized child. To get the transition from messy to neat and organized, try creating a list of the top three things that they like to do and what you’d love them to be doing. Next, create a plan for those tasks and set up rewards if needed. Finally, start with one task at first then slowly add more as your child starts accomplishing their goals successfully! Don’t forget to motivate your child along the way as well as celebrate their achievements along the way!
Should I force my child to clean their room?
If your child is refusing to clean up their room, don’t force them to. It will only make them resist more. I would suggest teaching them the importance of a clean room and bribing them with rewards. The rewards could be something they love to do, an allowance, or a treat.
Why is it important for children to learn to tidy up?
It is important for children to learn to tidy up because it will help them in the future. They will learn how to clean up after themselves, be more organized, and have a cleaner room. All of these things can lead to a successful and more organized life!
How do I motivate my child to clean her room?
To motivate your child to clean their room you can do many things. You can reward them for doing so, clean their room with them or guide them along the way. If your child is motivated by rewards then I would start off by rewarding her. Some examples are playtime outside after they clean up, a popsicle when you’re done cleaning together, etc.
Last Thing You Need To Know About Getting Your Kids To Clean Up Their Rooms and After Themselves
And there you have it, 11 great ways to get your kids to clean up their rooms! Hopefully, one of these strategies will work for you and your family. Just remember to be patient and keep trying until you find the right method for them. Good luck!
As always, Sharing is Caring! Don’t forget to share this amazing blog post with your friends, family, and on social media (Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Reddit, etc.). Also, feel free to comment with your best advice in the comments section below!