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13+ Life Saving Hacks and Tips to Prevent Mom Burnout

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mom burnout signs
signs of mom burnout

13+ Life Saving Hacks and Tips to Prevent Mom Burnout

If you have stumbled upon this blog post, you are most likely doing the following:

  • Are experiencing Mom Burnouts but didn’t know there was a name for what you are going through.
  • A new mom that is curious to know about Mom Burnouts and how to prevent it.
  • or you are just a mom trying to enjoy some free time on Pinterest and found this article.

Either way, you have stumbled upon the best side of the internet and I am here to help you survive everything motherhood throws at you!

As a new mother myself, I have experience mom burnouts and lets just say things can get really bad.

I’ve recently made the transition into a full stay-at-home mom that of course is running her own start-up and dealing with trauma and depression from her previous work history.

Yes, I’m already at a very high risk of experiencing mommy burnouts but still, that’s not the point.

The point is, I’ve experienced mommy burnouts and I know how sucky they can be and draining of your energy they are. So, to help you prevent experiencing burnouts, I have came up with 13+ proven and used tips and hacks to prevent mom burnouts!

What is Mom Burnout?

Before we dive any deeper, let me explain what Mom Burnouts are!

Mom Burnout is when a mom feels emotional and physically exhausted from the stress of parenting.

Why does Mom Burnout happen?

Mom Burnouts are normal. Just like with any stressful change and or situation, you can reach your breaking point, and let’s be honest, motherhood isn’t as easy as we want it to be. But, that’s exactly why I created My Motherhood Made Easy, to help moms with their motherhood journey.

5 Common Signs of Mom Burnout

  •  Depression
  •  Fatigue
  •  Lack of interest
  •  Increased Irritability
  •  Lack of appetite or Binge Eating
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13+ Super Effective Hacks and Tips to Prevent Mom Burnout

As a mom, you will experience mom burnout at some point. To help you get through Mom Burnouts and or to prevent them all in all, here are 13+ super effective hacks and tips to prevent and treat Mom Burnout:

Tip 1: Make Time For Yourself

It’s easy to get burnout as a mom when you feel like you have no time for yourself. With that being said, make time for yourself momma. Make sure you take some me-time while your kids are occupied, napping, and or sleeping.

Tip 2: Create a Schedule

Before you say you don’t have time, you should look into making a schedule. If your day is super busy, it’s time to make some adjustments. Try waking up an hour early, and or stay up an hour later. You can even push the kids’ sleep time up at least 30 minutes ahead.

Tip 3: Conduct Self Care Activities

Conducting Self Care Activities have been the #1 tip to keep me sane daily. I love conducting a facial regimen, taking a bath with some music and epsom salt, and even taking a little long to put maximum care into my hair care routine.

“Momma you still have a life. Live it!”

– Kayla Jean Louis (My Motherhood Made Easy, LLC)
"Momma you still have a life. Live it!"- Kayla Jean Louis (My Motherhood Made Easy, LLC) 

Motherhood Quote, Mom Quote, Mom Burnout Quote, Stay At Home Mom Quote, Mom Life Quote

Tip 4: Practice Breathing Techniques

Let’s be honest with each other, Things feel so much easier when you focus on your breathing, unless you’re running of course. S.n: I hate hearing my breathing while aI’m struggling to run.

Anyways, practicing your breathing can help ease your tension during a heated moment, and help you think straight. If you think breathing isn’t enough , try counting down from 5 or even 10.

5….4….3….2…1. How do you feel? A Bit better, right?

Tip 5: Meditation

Meditation relates to practicing your breathing techniques but on a whole another level. Meditation can be added to your daily routine with ease too! You can meditate in the mornings when you just wake up. You can even do it before you go to sleep.

Meditation can also be incorporated with Yoga, and or your spiritual practice. Personally, I meditate from time to time, when I find myself functioning on a low vibration (Spiritual term), in other words, my mind is a bit cloggy with negativity, I’m allowing social media to fog my judgment, and more).

You can meditate in the comfort of your home. I like to search on Youtube for guided mediation that suits what I want to work on. For example, If I want to boost my self-confidence, I listen to a guided mediation with Empowering Affirmations and High beat music.

Tip 6: Talk to a Therapist

Don’t be ashamed to talk to a therapist. I’m a disabled veteran that has been through a lot, and I talk to a therapist like every other week for my depression and PTSD.

No Judgement Zone.

Everyone has experiences that require to be talked out with a therapist that can help you figure things out.

If you want to talk to a therapist, check with your insurance and or search for a therapist in your location and ask them if they take your insurance.

I completely support you and am proud of you for taking the steps to become a better person for just not yourself but for your family!

Tip 7: Take a Quick Shower

Sometimes take a nice warm shower can help you recover from a stressful day. I find myself to be the best in the bathroom. Don’t judge me. Lol. The Bathroom is my safe haven. Plus, I have a weird connection with Water. I think clearly with water around.

If you think the last statement was weird, think about the times you’ve drank water to stop from being dehydrated and talking all sorts of craziness from your mouth.

Tip 8: Go For a Walk

Getting some fresh air and going for a quick walk can help you prevent mom burnout. Walking has many great benefits! Just add the fact that it helps you prevent mom burnouts as one!

I have incorporated walking into my weekly schedule to help my thinking, and also to help me lose weight. It’s a win-win for me.

Tip 9: Ask For Help

If you find yourself burnout from daily mothering, then ask your family, or significant other for help. Ask them to watch the kids for a few hours or even a day.

Momma, you have a whole tribe ready to help you! Why conduct business like your an individual and not a partnership?

– Kayla Jean Louis (My Motherhood Made Easy, LLC)

Tip 10: Take a Kids Free Vacation

Did someone say Mommy Vacation?! Yes!!!! Sign me up!

Feeling Overwhelmed Mommy? It’s time for a kids-free vacation! Let’s not get carried away, don’t take a vacation every single day away from the kids. Make taking a kids-free vacation be a monthly or bi-monthly event!

If you’re a working mom, this doesn’t mean you have to take time off from work during this vacation. You can simply have your kids with their grandparents and or aunties and uncles for a short time (or however long you want the vacation to be).

If you don’t mind spending less than $100 to book a weekend stay at a nearby hotel or resort, feel free to! I’ve done it to focus on my business before, why not do it for a kids-free vacation!

Tip 11: Don’t Skip Meals

Don’t skip meals! You know we mothers get hangry!

I think we can all agree that we are easily frustrated and irritated when we are hungry.

Yes, you felt that statement on a soul level. It’s okay, I did too!

All in all, don’t skip meals, momma!

Tip 12: Workout

I hinted earlier that working out can help prevent mom burnouts. We all know that when we work out, these happy endorphins show themselves in our bodies and make us feel good!

I don’t know about you, but after I workout, I find myself the most motivated and willing to do things. In fact, I’m finishing this blog post after my visit to the gym!

See, productive on a whole another level, just from working out!

Tip 13: Practice Mindfulness

Okay, if you don’t know what mindfulness is, you’re in for a great educational treat that is for sure life-changing! Mindfulness is the act of being completely aware of something.

You might be like, “Okay, and…” but, trust me mommy this is worth it!

Every day we find ourselves not living the present moment. We find ourselves worried about later on in the day or even something that is most likely not even going to happen!

Mindfulness will have you focus on the present moment instead of worrying about the future or focusing on the bad of yesterday!

“Live each day, don’t let worry live you!”

– Kayla Jean Louis (My Motherhood Made Easy, LLC)

Recommended Book For Mindfulness for Moms

Breathe, Mama, Breathe: 5-Minute Mindfulness for Busy Moms

Tip 14: Do Something You Love, AKA Get a Hobby

Momma, It’s time to do something you actually love! Make sure to incorporate something you actually enjoy doing each day. Doing something you love each day, will have you waking up each day in a positive state because You’ll be thinking about that amazing thing you’re going to do today! It’s almost like being a child, waking up on Christmas morning!

I would totally recommend you find a money-making hobby, so you can do something you actually enjoy and make money from it! For example, I love making crafts, so I got me a Cricut maker and opened up an Etsy Shop!

The Last Thing You Need to Know about Preventing Mom Burnouts

Mommy, Motherhood just got a whole lot easier and manageable! With the 13+ Hacks and tips to help you prevent Mom burnouts, you should be able to live a more stress-free life. Don’t let all this good information go to waste. Actually, try at least 5 tips that were mentioned!

As always, sharing is caring! Please feel free to share this blog post with your friends, family, and social media (Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc.) Also, feel free to leave your tip or hack on how to prevent mom burnouts below in the comment sections!

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