Giving birth is a miraculous process, but it can also be a little scary for first-time moms. That’s why it’s important to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for labor and delivery. One way to do that is by using affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself in order to reinforce a desired belief or outcome. In this blog post, we will discuss 15 natural birth affirmations that will help ease your mind during labor!
If you are a first-time mom, chances are you have a million questions about labor and delivery. Will it hurt? How long will it take? What if something goes wrong? While there is no way to know exactly what labor and delivery will be like for you, using positive birth affirmations can help ease your mind and anxiety.
What are Natural Birth Affirmations?
Natural childbirth affirmations are positive statements about labor and delivery that can help you focus on the outcome you desire: a healthy baby and a successful delivery. When you repeat these affirmations to yourself, you are reinforcing the belief that you can have a successful natural birth.
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15 Natural Birth Affirmations for First Time Moms
Going Natural Mommy, here are some powerful and amazing natural birth affirmations for first time moms like yourself:

1) I am strong and capable of handling whatever comes my way during labor and delivery.
2) I am surrounded by love and support from my family and friends.
3) My body is capable of delivering this baby naturally.
4) I am in control of my body and my labor.
5) I am confident in my ability to give birth naturally.
6) My baby will arrive at the perfect time.
7) I trust my body to know what to do during labor and delivery.
8) My body was made for this.
9) I am ready to give birth to my beautiful baby.
10) My baby gives me the strength to do anything.
11) I am calm and relaxed during labor.
12) Everything is going to be just fine.
13) I am breathing deeply and slowly, and my body is responding well.
14) I visualize my baby safely arriving into the world.
15) We are a team, me and my baby. Together we can do this!
Printable Positive Birth Affirmations Cards
If you are really into affirmations and want to keep using them even when giving birth, I totally recommend you check out these 50 amazing life-changing birth affirmations to help bring your mind to ease during labor and delivery:

Frequently Asked Questions about Natural Birth Affirmations
Below you will find the frequently asked questions about natural birth affirmations. Hopefully, you find the answers to your questions below but if not feel free to drop a question in our comment section below.
Do birth affirmations work?
Yes, birth affirmations work! Studies have shown that the more you repeat an affirmation the more likely you are to believe it.
How can I increase my chances of having a natural birth?
There is no one answer to this question as every labor and delivery is different. However, using natural childbirth affirmations can help increase your chances of having a successful natural birth.
What other things can I do to prepare for a natural birth?
In addition to using affirmations, there are many other things you can do to prepare for a natural birth. Here are a few ideas:
-Take a natural childbirth class (Recommended: Birth It Up Natural Child Birth Online Course)
-Hire a doula
-Create a birth plan
-Talk to other moms who have had successful natural births
-Visualize your perfect delivery
No matter what you do to prepare for labor and delivery, the most important thing is to stay positive and believe in yourself! You can do this!
What does hypnobirthing involve?
Hypnobirthing is a method of natural childbirth that uses relaxation techniques and self-hypnosis to help moms have a shorter, more comfortable labor.
When should I start using affirmations for childbirth?
It is never too early or late to start using affirmations. You can start using them as soon as you find out you are pregnant all the way up to the day you give birth.
How often should I repeat my affirmations?
It is recommended that you repeat your affirmations several times a day, especially during periods of anxiety or stress. The more you repeat them, the more likely you are to believe them.
How do you display birth affirmations?
There are many ways you can display your birth affirmations. Some women like to write them down and carry them around with them, others like to post them on their fridges or in their bathroom mirror. You can even create a vision board with your affirmations or you can print them out and make affirmation cards that can fit in your hospital bag. Get creative!
What is a birth affirmation card?
A birth affirmation card is simply a card with an affirmation on it that you can carry with you or keep in your hospital bag. You can create them yourself or purchase them online.
Last Thing You Need To Know About Natural Birth Affirmations
If you are interested in using positive natural birth affirmations during your labor and delivery, be sure to choose ones that resonate with you and make you feel empowered. The more you repeat them, the more likely you are to believe them! So go ahead and choose your affirmations, and get ready to have a beautiful natural childbirth experience.
Do you have any favorite natural childbirth affirmations? Share them with us in the comments below!
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