Looking for positive pregnancy affirmations to recite daily? Keep reading for our lovely first trimester, second trimester, and third trimester pregnancy affirmations! Also, don’t forget to grab our collection of Birth affirmations!
30 Positive Pregnancy Affirmations To Help You Through Your Pregnancy
Being pregnant can be emotionally overwhelming. Some days you find yourself extremely happy about being a mother and the thought of bringing a new baby into this world. But, sometimes, things can get a little shaky and you can find yourself thinking negatively.
Positive pregnancy affirmations can help those wavy days. Sometimes you just need to speak good things into existence.
If you have read my about me page, then you know that I myself have been troubled with depression during my pregnancy. I was facing so much all at once. Such a precious time in history for me was being invaded by adversity and unfortunate events.
One day, during my therapy session, my therapist told me about pregnancy affirmations and how they could help me fight my depression during pregnancy. She printed a page of pregnancy affirmations and handed it to me.
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What are Affirmations?
Affirmations are simply encouragements, which can come in many forms. Affirmations can be emotional support statements and proclamations made by an individual or simply in the form of writing.
Related: 70 Positive Affirmations for New Moms: Pregnancy & Beyond
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Why are Pregnancy Affirmations Needed?
Positive Affirmations can aid in pregnant women’s lives in the following ways:
- Help reduce stress and anxiety.
- Help retrain the mind to think positively.
- Boosts self-esteem, and self-worth.
- Reduces negative thoughts from harming your psyche.
- Help keep small things in perspective.
- And so much more.
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30 Pregnancy Affirmations To Help You Through Your Pregnancy
Due to the fact that positive pregnancy affirmations are so helpful and relaxing for pregnant women, I have provided 30 pregnancy affirmations to help you throughout your pregnancy (from early pregnancy right up to birth). You can follow each pregnancy affirmation for each trimester (first trimester, Second trimester, third trimester). At the end of the blog post, you will even have an opportunity to get printable positive birth affirmations cards!
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First Trimester Pregnancy Affirmations (1-12 Weeks Pregnant)
The first trimester of pregnancy can be a strange place for new moms. Your body is changing in ways you never experienced before, you may just be told you were pregnant after not expecting to be or after trying for years.
Whether you are in the early pregnancy stage (aka the 4-6 weeks pregnant) or going in to have your first pregnancy screening, these positive early pregnancy affirmations are perfect to help you through the first trimester of your pregnancy!
Below you will find 10 first trimester pregnancy affirmations that will help you through your first trimester of pregnancy:
- I am blessed and favored to be able to have this baby inside of me.
- I will be a great mother.
- Everything I need to take care of this baby is already within me.
- I am good enough to be a mother and care for this child within me.
- My happiness is within my womb and will be here in 9 months.
- I am the peacekeeper of my life.
- I choose to be happy for me and my baby.
- Every week is a step closer to meeting my bundle of joy.
- I am enjoying my pregnancy one butterfly flutter at a time.
- My morning sickness is the overwhelming emotions of happiness my baby has because I am their mother.
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Second Trimester Pregnancy Affirmations (13-27 Weeks Pregnant)
The second trimester seems to be most pregnant moms’ favorite and this is no shocking surprise due to the fact, that the majority of bad pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness have either decreased or gone away altogether.
But this trimester is still big due to this is the trimester you find out more about the baby’s gender, size, and health. Not only is the baby growing but you may notice your belly is growing as well.
With all these changes occurring, it’s important to have some reassurance that no matter what, everything is going to be alright. Using pregnancy affirmations during the second trimester can help continue your positive mindset about having a healthy baby all the way through your pregnancy!
To get you started, here are 10 positive second trimester pregnancy affirmations, feel free to recite these affirmations for baby in the womb, since your little one can hear you now:
- No Matter the sex of the baby, my baby is perfect.
- There’s life inside of me that I will care for the rest of my life.
- There’s beauty in the growth of my belly and the rest of my body.
- Every kick is a reminder of a developing blessing inside of me.
- My body is accepting this baby and will protect it.
- I will cherish every little toe, finger, bone, facial expression, and more.
- My soul loves you, baby.
- My body is perfectly made for this!
- I can endure all and will endure all that comes my way.
- I will be active to ensure a great delivery and a healthy baby.
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Third Trimester Pregnancy Affirmations (28-40 Weeks Pregnant)
It’s the final home stretch, Mommy! You made it this far into your pregnancy, you should be very proud for keeping a positive mindset.
It’s getting closer to the birth of your beautiful baby and keeping you on track to finish strong, we have compiled a list of 10 positive pregnancy affirmations for the third trimester.
To continue using positive affirmations even for your labor and delivery, check out our birth affirmations listed below the third trimester pregnancy affirmations!
- I am capable of delivering this baby.
- The bond between us is inseparable.
- I am envisioning a healthy delivery of a healthy baby.
- An amazing mother lives within me and will be born along with my amazing baby.
- I am strong and ready to give birth to a beautiful healthy baby.
- I trust my body to help guide my baby into this world, into my arms.
- Just breathe and know that everything will be okay.
- I will think positively, for everything will be fine and my baby is going to be fine.
- Any day now, my life will change for the better with you in it.
- My love for you will grow every day just like you will.
Printable Positive Birth Affirmations Cards
If you are really into affirmations and want to keep using them even when giving birth, I totally recommend you check out these 50 amazing life-changing birth affirmations to help bring your mind to ease during labor and delivery:

Frequently Asked Questions About Pregnancy Affirmations
If you have any questions about pregnancy affirmations, here is a list of frequently asked questions all about pregnancy affirmations to help you learn more about them:
Do pregnancy affirmations work?
Pregnancy affirmations are positive statements or mantras that are said with the intention of manifesting a certain outcome during pregnancy.
While there is no scientific evidence to support the efficacy of pregnancy affirmations, many women find them helpful in promoting feelings of calm and confidence during pregnancy.
Affirmations do have a connection with a process called Neuroplasticity which is said to “a process that involves adaptive structural and functional changes to the brain” (National Library of Medicine, 2022).
How can I use pregnancy affirmations?
Pregnancy affirmations can be used in various ways, depending on what you hope to achieve. Some women use affirmations during meditation or visualization practices, while others simply repeat them to themselves throughout the day.
You can also create a pregnancy affirmation board by writing out your favorite affirmations and hanging them up in a place where you will see them often.
What is a pregnancy affirmation?
A pregnancy affirmation is a positive statement or mantra that is said with the intention of manifesting a particular outcome during pregnancy. Many women have used them to help ease their minds during their pregnancy and have found them very helpful.
Do affirmations help anxiety?
There is no scientific evidence to support the efficacy of pregnancy affirmations, but many women find them helpful in promoting feelings of calm and confidence during pregnancy. If you are struggling with anxiety, it may be beneficial to give pregnancy affirmations a try.
Can you say affirmations in your head?
Yes, pregnancy affirmations can be said in your head or out loud. Some women find it helpful to repeat them out loud, while others prefer to simply say them in their heads. Ultimately, it is up to you how you want to use these affirmations.
How many affirmations should I say a day?
There is no set number of affirmations that you should say each day. Some women find it helpful to repeat their affirmations multiple times throughout the day, while others prefer to say them only once or twice. Experiment and see what feels best for you.
Amazing Pregnancy Resources
Check out the following link to some amazing pregnancy resources:
- Baby On A Budget Course: Learn what to expect financially and how to save for a new baby (before and afterward).
- Best Products for Stretch Marks
- 10 Reasons Why Every Mom To Be Needs An Amazon Baby Registry
- The Best Guide To Adapting Your Pets To Your Newborn (Pets and Infants)
- The Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Stay At Home Mom
- Pregnancy Planners For The Mommy To Be
- 43+ Best Mom Resources You Need To Know
The Last Thing You Need to Know about Pregnancy Affirmations
Start your day off with a positive pregnancy affirmation to help you stay positive and motivated throughout your pregnancy. Please take advantage of a free printable version of these 30 positive affirmations.
Remember, Sharing is Caring! Please, share this post on your Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Reddit, etc. Also, share your positive pregnancy affirmation, and encouraging words for other mommies.
If you are pregnant, check out these blog posts to help you through your pregnancy:
- 15 Natural Birth Affirmations to Help Ease Your Mind
- 30 Pregnancy Affirmations To Help You Through Your Pregnancy
- The Best Online Labor & Delivery Class To Prepare for Child Birth
- How to Create a Birth Plan As a First Time Mom
- The Best Products to Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy
- 10 Reasons Why Every Mom to Be Needs An Amazon Baby Registry
- The Best Guide To Adapting Your Pets To Your Newborn (Pets and Infants)
- A Cheat Sheet to Having a Mermaid Themed Baby Shower
- The Beginner’s Guide to Surviving as a New Mom
- 201+ French Girl Names to Choose For Your Baby
- Four Letter Boy Names for Your Precious Baby Boy
- Southern and Country Baby Names: Meaningful Baby Girl and Boy Names
- 400+ Unisex Baby Names
- 222+ Middle Names For Girls : Cute Baby Girl Middle Names
- 237+ Baby Boy Names You Totally Want To Steal
- 100+ Pretty Baby Girl Names
- Must-Have Products On Your Baby Registry
- Breastfeeding 101 For New Mothers
- 5+ Lactation Products To Increase Milk Flow
- 19+ Best Amazon Products to Survive the 4th Trimester (Postpartum)
Tuesday 2nd of April 2019
This is fabulous! Will share this with my niece who is expecting her first child this summer. I wish I had these affirmations when I was pregnant!
Bethany Rutledge
Tuesday 2nd of April 2019
Great and positive things to remember.
Tuesday 2nd of April 2019
Amazing. Thank you for these I will be using them throughout my pregnancy.
Tuesday 2nd of April 2019
Love this "No Matter the sex of the baby, my baby is perfect!" And it's right where we are. We find out the sex next week. :)
Tuesday 2nd of April 2019
Hi Maria, CONGRATULATIONS 🍾🎊🎈!! I found out the sex of my baby 3 weeks ago. I’m having a girl and I’m so happy. But before finding out, my husband and I, have been pushing mainly for a healthy baby. At the end of the day, we care more about the health of our child than the sex. But of course I’m overfilled with joy because I’m having a girl. Lol :)
Tuesday 2nd of April 2019
I will have to save this for my next little one, but this is so important for future mommas and current to hear! It's so easy to get lost in the shuffle and feel lost! Great share:)