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10+ Pregnancy Myths Uncovered- Know The Truth About Pregnancy

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10+ Shocking and Totally Crazy Pregnancy Myths Uncovered 

Now as a new mom, I had no idea what pregnancy was going to be about, and of course, I went on google to find out many things about pregnancy, and my baby’s gender. I’ve heard about the Old Wives Tales for pregnancy and all the assumptions about exercising while pregnant and eating seafood. In this blog post, I have uncovered and revealed 10+ Pregnancy Myths that would either change your pregnancy for the better or have you completely confused as to what to expect. 


What is a myth? 

  • A Myth is a belief or idea that has been held by some people but is false. Most of the time myths are just simply misconceptions and are pretty common. To avoid being consumed with myths, always take the proper time out to find reliable sources with the truth to your topics and concerns. 


Pregnancy Myths

10+ Pregnancy Myths, You Have To Know About Right Now

Are you ready to uncover those huge pregnancy myths that you probably heard a thousand times from misconceptions made by others? Below you will find 10+ Pregnancy Myths that you need to know the truth about!


1) Pregnant Women Should Avoid Exercise 

Ha! I laugh so hard when I read this statement! I was forced to work out my whole pregnancy because guess what?! I was still in the Army when I was pregnant! And if you have seen the things that the pregnant first-trimester soldiers were doing for their exercise, you would look differently at the idea of not being able to work out while pregnant!

Outside of being forced to work out while Pregnant in the Army, Doctors have actually stated that working out while pregnant helps your body prepare to be strong and ready for birth! So mommy if you are pregnant, start training your birth muscles! Of course, consult your doctor first about the idea of you personally working out while pregnant. Everybody’s pregnancy is different and some women are prohibited from working out while pregnant (and bedridden at times). 


2) Pregnant Women Should Stay Away From Seafood

Yes, you should avoid certain seafood, not all while pregnant. It’s actually recommended for pregnant women to eat at least 8 oz and up to 12 oz of seafood that is low in mercury a week! Check out what seafood is safe to eat while pregnant, here.

I personally ate cook sushi while pregnant, conch salad (I was craving it bad!), steamed oysters, and more seafood! Might be one of the reasons why my daughter is extremely smart and advanced for her age (ALWAYS CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR FIRST).


3) The Concept of a Perfect Pregnancy or Ideal Pregnancy 

There is no such thing as a perfect pregnancy or an ideal pregnancy. Even if you created one in your head, it doesn’t exist! Every pregnancy is different and the process can extremely vary! Do not compare your pregnancy with anyone else. You are unique, and your pregnancy is also unique. Just take the time out to enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest. Don’t stress yourself out. You got this Momma!


4) Old Wives Tales Don’t Work

I don’t know about this one! Some people believe Old Wives Tales Don’t work. I would argue and say some don’t work but there are others that do. I don’t want to spoil the ones that somewhat work, so here are some that are completely false: 

    •  The position of the baby determines the sex; If you are carrying high you are having a girl, if you are carrying low you are having a boy. This is false due to the fact the position you carry your baby is determined by your abdominal muscles, and I would like to say genetics.
      •  The reason I want to add genetics is that in my case, I carried my daughter low, and my mom also carried me low and my brothers high. Of course, we’ll have to wait and see whether or not I carry my sons low or high. 
    •  The Old Wives Ring Test (DOESN’T Work)
    •  Rubbing Your Tummy While Pregnant Will Spoil Baby (FALSE)

RelatedAre You Having a Boy or Girl? Baby Gender Old Wives Tales Predictions


Surprising Pregnancy Myths

5) Morning Sickness Only Happens in The Morning

If I could scream loud enough for the world to hear me, I would Scream “this is a big fat lie!” As a mom who was pregnant with a baby girl, my first trimester was rough! And I mean 20lbs down rough! I had morning sickness, afternoon sickness, night sickness, all-day sickness, all week sickness! I think you get the point! I would suggest that you quickly learn the remedies for Morning sickness and use them all because at some point your body will adapt to one of them. Trust me, I tried the whole saltine Crakers and it didn’t help after a while!


6) Babies aren’t born with teeth

Crazy as it sounds, some babies are actually born with teeth, and in most cases, the doctors remove the teeth. Could you imagine holding a baby with a mouth full of teeth? I would totally freak out!  Just to give you a visual: 

pregnancy myths unrevealed

You can see more pictures, here.

 7) You can tell the sex of the baby by the Heart Rate

Scientally, no, you are not able to base the sex of the baby base on its heart rate in the womb. Outside the womb, baby girls heart rates are said to be higher than boys. 

I personally believe this Old Wives Tale, since with my daughter it was correct! My daughter’s heart rate was above 140 beats per minute which are said to be the range for a girl according to the Old Wives Tale! Let me know in the comment section what’s your outtake on this myth!


 8) Having heartburn during pregnancy means your baby will have a lot of hair when born.

Having Heartburn during pregnancy doesn’t necessarily mean your baby will come out with a head full of hair but there have been some correlations to mothers having heartburn during pregnancy and their babies coming out with a head full of hair. My daughter came out with a head full of hair, and I didn’t necessarily have heartburn but I did have acid refluxes while pregnant with her. 


 9) The Shape of Your Belly can tell you The Sex of The Baby

The shape of your baby can’t determine the sex of your baby due to that some women may care their baby more in their hips or more out front due to their torso. Also, the baby might be in a certain position causing it to seem as if the mother is carrying the baby in the hips. 


11 Shocking pregnancy myths facts You Need to Know

10) Your water breaks before you are in labor

Your Water doesn’t have to break before you are in labor. There are cases where pregnant women are in labor, and their water hasn’t broken. In fact, in some of these cases, the doctor will break it for you (Induce). 


11) When Your Water Breaks, It is this Massive Fluid Leak like The Movies

The Movies we have all seen growing up, where the pregnant woman goes into labor, and before that her water breaks, and its portrayed to be so massive that people slip from the spill! 

This is completely false, or at least subjective! My personal experience with my water broke was nothing compared to how pregnant women’s water breaks! I literally questioned if my water broke or if I peed myself a little bit. If you haven’t already check out my birth story to learn more. 

RelatedReal First Time Mom Birth Story- What Birth Really Is Like?


Last Thing You Need to Know About Pregnancy Myths

As a pregnant mom (and Especially a new Mom) you want to make sure you don’t get consumed and fed pregnancy myths. Now you can still have fun with Old Wives Tales, don’t take the fun out of that, but ensure you are not weighing too heavily on it! As a final takeaway, I just want to encourage you to enjoy your pregnancy journey. Enjoy having your baby inside of your womb, and of course, sporting your pregnancy bump. As crazy as it may sound, you will miss it! 

As always, sharing is caring! Please share this blog post with your friends, family, and social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit, etc.). Feel Free to also leave some pregnancy myths that you have discovered below in the comments as well!

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